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Our Captaine gaue Donnacona, as a great present, two Frying pannes of copper, eight Hatchets, and other small trifles, as Kniues, and Beades, whereof hee seemed to be very glad, who sent them to his wiues and children. Likewise, he gaue to them that came to speake with Donnacona, they thanked him greatly for them, and then went to their lodgings. Chap. 20.

But foure that could swimme a little kept themselues in deeper water and were saued by Captaine Cookes meanes, who so soone as he saw their ouersetting, stripped himselfe, and four other that could swimme very well, and with all haste possible rowed vnto them, and saued foure.

Can ye blame him, Captaine, when such a den of dog whelps Are fosterd here against him? You will rouse anon: There are old Companies sure, honest and faithfull, That are not poysond with this ranck infection. Now they appeare, Sir. Enter Captaine on the walls. 1 Cap. Will your Grace please to enter? Or. And thanck ye too. 1 Cap. The Port is open for ye. Or. You see my number. 1 Cap.

He goes on: "Such factions here we had as commonly attend such voyages, and a pair of gallows was made, but Captaine Smith, for whom they were intended, could not be persuaded to use them; but not any one of the inventors but their lives by justice fell into his power, to determine of at his pleasure, whom with much mercy he favored, that most basely and unjustly would have betrayed him."

This M. Andrea was Captaine Generall and Procurator, a man of great reputation for many rare partes, that were in him.

He goes on: "Such factions here we had as commonly attend such voyages, and a pair of gallows was made, but Captaine Smith, for whom they were intended, could not be persuaded to use them; but not any one of the inventors but their lives by justice fell into his power, to determine of at his pleasure, whom with much mercy he favored, that most basely and unjustly would have betrayed him."

I know a hundred Leverets , things that will Bound like a dancer on the rope and kiss thee Into thy naturall complexion: A sinner that shall clime thee like a squirrell. Cou. And crack me like a Nutt. I ha no kernell To spare for her sweet tooth. Cap. That was a metaphor: hee's not desperate! Cou. Buoy, my deere Captaine. Cap. Enter a Footeman. Cou. How does my uncle? Fo.

This being the case, it is difficult to explain the absence of the plantation from the list of 1624 and the muster of 1625. In the May, 1625 land tabulation, there is a single entry which reads "Att Westover 500 acres claymed by Captaine Francis West." From later events it would appear that the plantation had a continuous history with, perhaps, a small break caused by the massacre.

Presently after, the said lord entred into the Fort with the Captaine, but by and by Taignoagny came to make him come out againe. Our Captaine seeing that there was no other remedy, began to call vnto them to take them, at whose crie and voice all his men came forth, and tooke the sayd Lord with the others, whom they had appointed to take.

You ought to haue in remembrance, that either you haue heard of your fathers, or else our diuines haue instructed you, that wee are not naturally of this countrey, nor yet our kingdome is durable, because our forefathers came from a farre countrey, and their King and Captaine, who brought them hither, returned againe to his naturall Countrey, saying that he would send such as should rule and gouerne vs, if by chance he himselfe returned not, &c.

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