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I was more taken up with the timber than replenishing the kettle." "Ah! that ver' great pity. Oui, grand dommage. De kittle toujours de most importance t'ing on de voyage. If you forget him, you goot for not'ing. Mais, Francois, did you look into the deep clear pool at de foot of de rapid?" Francois emitted a cloud of smoke with a negative in the middle of it.

When this bewitching Bacchante made her appearance in the ballroom the sensation she created was so great that the dancing stopped instantly; women and men alike climbed on chairs to catch a glimpse of the rare and radiant vision, and murmurs of admiration and envy ran round the salon. Her triumph was complete. In the hush that followed, a voice was heard: "Quel dommage!

Il mériterait d'être fleurdelisé au Parnasse. C'est bien dommage qu'une âme aussi lâche soit unie

How simple the whole explanation! The note had alluded to a physician as then examining "Gustave." "Ah ca!" pursued Rosine; "il n'y a donc rien la-dessous: pas de mystere, pas d'amourette, par exemple?" "Pas plus que sur ma main," responded the doctor, showing his palm. "Quel dommage!" responded the grisette: "et moi a qui tout cela commencait a donner des idees."

"Madame will honour our little salon," urged Philippe, opening the door and bowing low. "Quel dommage!" sighed Celine, moving after them; "la seule chemise blanche de Monsieur le Baron. Eh bien! il faut lui en acheter une autre!" At dinner that evening Mrs. Bines related her adventure, to the unfeigned delight of her graceless son, and to the somewhat troubled amazement of her daughter.

I allowed Adele to sit up much later than usual; for she declared she could not possibly go to sleep while the doors kept opening and shutting below, and people bustling about. Besides, she added, a message might possibly come from Mr. Rochester when she was undressed; "et alors quel dommage!"

Consider the words of Count D'Orsay, spoken on the eve of some duel, 'We are not fairly matched. If I were to wound him in the face it would not matter; but if he were to wound me, ce serait vraiment dommage! There we have a pure example of a dandy's peculiar vanity 'It would be a real pity! They say that D'Orsay killed his man no matter whom in this duel. He never should have gone out.

Instinct and so much life with Winton made the girl regard it as beneath her to be shocked. She did not seek knowledge of life, but refused to shy away from it or be discomfited; and the baroness, to whom innocence was piquant, went on: "Des femmes toujours des femmes! C'est grand dommage. It will spoil his spirit.

But La Roche was not to be so easily put down. "Ah, madame! pardonnez moi. Dat is impossible. Ve have fresh fish yesterday, dere be no fresh fish to-day. More de pity. C'est dommage dat Gaspard him gone away " La Roche was interrupted by a sudden exclamation from his master, who pointed, while he gazed earnestly, towards the narrows of the river.

J'en suis de même!" As she spoke, she fell, struck forward by a sudden shock, the coach was rocking like a boat, and plunging down unknown gulfs. Mr. Raleigh seized her, broke through the door, and sprang out. "Qu'avez vous?" she exclaimed. "The old willow is fallen in the wind," he replied. "Quel dommage that we did not see it fall!"