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"I reckon that's him." "Well, if you is, you better axe fer him jes' that-a-way PerFESser PERfesser Burnham. Well, PERFESSER Burnham won't sanctify dis hall wid his presence fer quite a long while quite a long while. May I inquire, son, if yo' purpose is to attend dis place o' learnin'?" "I come to go to college."

Novelty gave it an especial charm to the young ladies, and they grew very merry and talkative, while their ignorance of the business in hand, the odd mistakes they fell into in consequence, and the comical questions they asked, gave much secret amusement to the two old servants. "What's this pound cake to be mixed up in, Aunt Viney?" asked Lucy. "In dis yere tin pan, missy." "Is it clean?"

"Well, dis guy, he gets to de door, and opens it, and I'm just goin' to butt in, when dere suddenly jumps out from de room on de odder side de passage anodder guy, and gets de rapid strangleholt on dis foist mug. Say, wouldn't dat make you wonder was you on your feet or your coco?" "Go on. What happened, then?" "Dey begins to scrap good and hard in de dark.

And then, as if he were not tried sufficiently, the girl herself came flying in. "What's this I hear?" she cried. "Alluna tells me " She saw the telltale pile on the counter, and her face grew white. "Then it's true! Oh, Poleon!" He smiled, and spoke cheerily. "Yes, I been t'inkin' 'bout dis trip long tam'." "When are you coming back?"

"Yes, if we get off, and the plan works well. But you must be very careful." "You kin trust dis chile, Dandy. You knows you kin." "I do, or I should not have made you my companion." Dandy instructed his sable friend very minutely in the duties he was to discharge in connection with the enterprise. He had every confidence in Cyd's discretion, and knew that he would rather die than betray him.

"Not so sure of dat, Massa Walter," he said, for I should remark that, having learned his English from Potto Jumbo, he spoke very much in his way. "Here dis big shell make good cook-pot; here clean out dis, make good cup; here plates, and here dis make good spoon," and he picked up shells of different shapes.

'If my son Samivel, mum, vould only dis- pense vith these here, you'd see such a alteration in his appearance, as the imagination can't depicter. 'But what would you have the child wear instead, Mr. Weller? said the housekeeper.

Plenty mans in dis coontree want wife to 'elp an' mak' good 'ome. It one h'awful big lan'." Yes, there was any amount of room in this great country. And the woman wanted her to go and find a good husband! Well, she had come far to seek one. It it had not been a pleasant experience. She saw herself wandering about this wilderness looking for another man who would take her to wife.

She tol' me how dey brought her from Africa. You know, like we say 'President' in dis country, well dey call him 'Chief' in Africa. Seem like de Chief made 'rangements wid some men an' dey had a big goober grabbin' for de young folks. Dey stole my ma an' some more an' brung 'em to dis country. "I don't 'member nothin' 'bout havin' no pa.

"Dis generation aint got much sense. Dey's tryin' to git somewheres too fas'. None of 'em is sat'fied wid plain livin'. Dey wants too much. "Nobody needs more dan dey can use, nohow." JANE SUTTON Gulfport, Mississippi Jane Sutton, ex-slave, is 84 years old. She is 5 feet, 6 inches tall and weighs 130 pounds. She is what the Negroes themselves call a "brown-skin."