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After telling him that he would probably come up with a pickle, ehe let him go. Carefully he got out of bed, in an angelic frame of mind and a night shirt, and barefooted he prepared to make the descent. As he stopped to hold one foot in his hand, the instep of which had struck the rocker of the baby crib, she told him the doughnuts were in the third crock in the pantry on the floor.

Aunt Esmerelda was muttering to herself. "Dis yere house is sho' hoodooed. Mah cookies is gone, an' I done made a crock full yistahday. An' yo' gran'ma's chist of drawahs, dey don' open. An' de hosses is plumb gone. It ain't no place fo' me." Hortense kept a discreet silence and hurriedly finished her breakfast. Then she ran to her Grandmother.

And not in vain she raged and stormed and fought too; for she did fight ay, and conquered: and miserable Roger, now in full possession of those joys which he had longed for at the casement of Hurstley Hall, was glad to betake himself to the bench at Bacchus's, whither he withdrew his ragged regiment. Thus, that crock had spoilt all there was to spoil in the temper and conduct of the wife.

"Acton, give it up, I say!" was shouted in rejoinder, and Jennings glared over him with his round and staring eyes as he lay faint upon his bed "Give up the crock, or else " "Else what? you whitened villain." The bailiff flung himself at Roger's neck, and almost shrieked, "I'll serve you as I "

When it was cooked to his taste he mixed through it cheese, raisins, and several sorts of flavorings, also a little honey. The porridge-like product he baked, as it were, by turning a larger crock over the crock containing it. The result was always tasty and relishable. I asked him why he used barley, not wheat, of which there was quite a supply.

Uncle Darcy peered into the bag with a puzzled expression. He had not missed any eggs from the crock of bran. He didn't know what she was talking about. But before he could ask any questions the driver slapped the horse with the reins, and they were rattling off down street. Georgina stood looking after them a moment, then turned her head to listen. Somebody was calling her.

Honest Roger, Steady Acton, did I not see thy guardian angel after all his many tears, aggrieved and broken spirit! did I not see him lift his swollen eyes in gratitude to Heaven, and benevolence to thee, and smile a smile of hopeful joy when that damned crock was found? Gladly could he thank his Lord, to behold the temptation at an end.

A farmer, with a very shrewd and comic expression of countenance, next made his appearance, and taking his hat off and laying it on the floor with his staff across it, took his seat, as he had been motioned to do, upon the chair which Mrs. Houlaghan had just vacated. "Well, my friend," said the conjurer, "what's troubling you?" "A crock o' butther, your honor." "How is that? explain yourself."

He lives, nobody knows how on bright, clean gold, nobody knows whence: his daughter says, indeed, that her father found a crock of gold in his garden but she needs not have held her tongue so long, and borne so many insults, if that were all the truth; and, mark this! even though she says it, and declares it on her Bible-oath, Acton himself most strenuously denied all such findings but went about with impudent tales of legacy, luck, nobody knows what; the man prevaricated continually, and got angry when asked about it cudgelling folks, and swearing like like any one but old-time "honest Roger."

Did it for a bet, they said. It's years ago now. The horse was a perfect brute all bone and no flesh with a temper like the foul fiend and no points whatever looked a regular crock at starting. But he romped home on three legs, notwithstanding, with his jockey clinging to him like an inspired monkey. It was the only race he ever won.