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"Den de Woodpecker he pass de kempulmence wid 'im, des same ez any udder gemmun; an' atter dey talk er wile, den de Blue Jay he up'n sez, 'I wuz jes er lookin' fur yer, sezee; 'I gwine ter hab er party termorrer night, an' I'd like fur yer ter come. All de birds'll be dar, Miss Robin in speshul, sezee. "An' wen de Woodpecker hyearn dat, he 'lowed he'd try ter git dar.

His wide eyes were on Vesty, and shot appealing mirth at her. She never once glanced at him, her full young breast heaving. "Can't some of the brothers fix this scuttle over my head?" said Elder Birds'll nervously, addressing the group of true and tried seamen, anchored cosily to south'ard. One, Elder Cossey, arose, a Tartar, not much beloved, but prominent in these matters.

I will now close the Sunday-school, trusting we shall do all we can during the week to help the cause of the burying-ground and of religion. As soon as Brother Birds'll arrives, we can begin social meetin'." "It 's natch'all he should be late; somebody said 't he was havin' pickled shad for dinner." "Here he comes now, beatin' to wind'ard," said Captain Pharo from the window. "He'll make it!

Black Jarge'll batter this 'ere cove's 'ead soft, so sure as I were baptized Richard 'e'll lift this cove up in 'is great, strong arms, an' 'e'll throw this cove down, an' 'e'll gore 'im, an' stamp 'im down under 'is feet, an' this cove's blood'll go soakin' an' a-soakin' into the grass, some'eres beneath some 'edge, or in some quiet corner o' the woods and the birds'll perch on this cove's breast, an' flutter their wings in this cove's face, 'cause they'll know as this cove can never do nobody no 'urt no wore; ah! there'll be blood gallons of it!"

"The scuttle is now closed," said Elder Birds'll gravely, as Elder Cossey descended, "and the social meetin' is now open." Here the blow of silence again fell deeply. The wide blue eyes gave Vesty a look, like the flying ripple on a deep lake.

No. It's no use. Nature got busy. Look at the result. Those fool birds'll follow us till they're tired, in the hope that some guy'll dump the contents of the Myra's swill barrel their way. Then they'll have one disgusting orgy on the things other folks don't fancy, and start right in to fly again to ease their digestions. It's a crazy game anyway.

And the leaves'll keep a-fluttering over 'im, and the birds'll keep a-singing to 'im, oh, Number Three'll be comfortable enough, 'e von't 'ave to vorry about nothink no more, it'll be Number Vun and Number Two as'll do the vorrying, and me till I gets my 'ooks on 'em, and then " "But," said Barnabas earnestly, "why not try to prevent it?" "Prewent it, sir?" said Mr.

Vesty 's jest as pious lookin', Sundays, as Pharo's tew-seated kerridge. I tell her, I'm dreadful glad for her sake that there ain't but one Sunday tew a week, she couldn't hold out no longer. Still, she's vary partickeler, Vesty is, and she 's good for taking keer o' folks. Elder Birds'll says 't ef Vesty Kirtland ain't come under 'tonin' grace, then 'tonin' grace is mighty skeerce to the Basin."

I never came down here, and of course I was never out in my boat when it was rough." "Course not, sir. It is a coarse bit. I had no end of a job to get down, and I spect that it's going to be a bit worse going up agen. What do you say to sitting up yonder in the sunshine on that there shelf? The birds'll soon go. You can make yourselves comf'able and get dry while I go up and get a rope.

"Why didn't ye let her alone in peace?" blurted out Fluke. "She was keepin' company contented enough along o' Gurd', ef you'd only left her alone. What'd ye come back a-makin' love to her for?" "We always kept company together; since we were that high! Belle Birds'll was Gurdon's company. Vesty was my company." His voice trembled. This was simple Basin parlance and unanswerable. "Ye mean it?"