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We can't ever tell the right time, and besides this kind of thing's too awful, here this time of night with witches and ghosts a-fluttering around so. I feel as if something's behind me all the time; and I'm afeard to turn around, becuz maybe there's others in front a-waiting for a chance. I been creeping all over, ever since I got here." "Well, I've been pretty much so, too, Huck.

He walked about the room, sat down to the table, took a sheet of paper, traced a few lines on it, and at once blotted them out.... He recalled Gemma's wonderful figure in the dark window, in the starlight, set all a-fluttering by the warm hurricane; he remembered her marble arms, like the arms of the Olympian goddesses, felt their living weight on his shoulders.... Then he took the rose she had thrown him, and it seemed to him that its half-withered petals exhaled a fragrance of her, more delicate than the ordinary scent of the rose.

I was so relieved to be off duty, because she couldn't possibly be doing anything to excite herself or set her poor heart a-fluttering that the incident of the cow was a real joy to me. I chuckled over it from time to time for the whole rest of the day. Because it does look very funny, you know, to see a black and white cow land on its back in the middle of a stream.

Wherefore it was, that, looking up one evening from where he sat busied with brush and colours upon a border of wondrous design, Beltane beheld her of whom he was dreaming; and she, standing tall and fair before him, saw that in his look the which set her heart a-fluttering at her white breast most strangely; yet, fearing she should betray aught of it, she laughed gaily and mocked him, as is the way of women, saying: "Well, thou despiser of Love, I hearkened vainly for thy new song as I rode hither through the green."

And the leaves'll keep a-fluttering over 'im, and the birds'll keep a-singing to 'im, oh, Number Three'll be comfortable enough, 'e von't 'ave to vorry about nothink no more, it'll be Number Vun and Number Two as'll do the vorrying, and me till I gets my 'ooks on 'em, and then " "But," said Barnabas earnestly, "why not try to prevent it?" "Prewent it, sir?" said Mr.

We can't ever tell the right time, and besides this kind of thing's too awful, here this time of night with witches and ghosts a-fluttering around so. I feel as if something's behind me all the time; and I'm afeard to turn around, becuz maybe there's others in front a-waiting for a chance. I been creeping all over, ever since I got here." "Well, I've been pretty much so, too, Huck.

"That was you." "Me?" "Yes, the you I met out there on the mountain, the you that made love to me and set my silly little girl's heart a-fluttering. Don't you think now it was wicked of you? Why, Wade oh!" "That's my name," he laughed. "It's a funny name, isn't it?" she murmured, shyly. "I suppose it is." "But I like it. Oh, dear, I must go! It must be midnight!"

Now because of the grim and masterful look of him, her heart fell a-fluttering, yet she fronted him scornful-eyed, and curled her red lip at him. "Messire," said she, "methinks you do forget I am the " "I remember thou art woman and thy name Helen!" Now at this laughed she softly and thereafter falleth to singing very sweet and blithe and merry withal. "The letter!" said he, "give me thy letter!"

This had been succeeded by a-fluttering sigh or two, and then her eyes had opened suddenly with a look of terror, which had given place to one of joy and relief as she recognised her father and mother bending over her. Upon which Henderson had gently raised her and promptly administered the draught which he had prepared. Presently the little creature spoke.