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Angy it was who trembled now, and Abe, gaining a manly courage from that, took hold of her arm to steady her they had paused on a step near the foot of the stairs and, looking around with his whimsical smile, he demanded of the bedecked company in general, "Ladies, be yew 'spectin' the President?"

"The minute my back's turned, they go a-gallivantin'. I bet yer," he added after a moment's thought, "I bet yer it's that air Angy Rose. She's got ter git an' gad every second same as Abe, an' my poor wife has been drug along with her." There was nothing left for him to do but seek refuge in his shop and await their return.

"Yew go fust," he urged Abe, "an' tell my wife that I've got the chilblains an' lumbago so bad I can't hardly git tew the house, an' I had ter come hum fer my 'St. Jerushy Ile' an' her receipt fer frosted feet." Abe had no such qualms as Samuel. He wanted to see Angy that minute, and he did not care if she did know why he had returned.

"You help too, Reuby, don't you?" said Angy Plummer, "do you like it?" "Very much, ma'am; mamma says I help, but I think she's mistaken," replied the little fellow, archly. "Yes you do, you darling," said Mrs. Plummer, stooping and kissing him tenderly. Angy Plummer loved Reuby.

And now, in their dry and withered old age, he and Angy were being torn up by the roots, flung as so much rubbish by the roadside. "Mother, I be dretful sorry ter take yew away from your posies," muttered Abraham as he arose with his green sprig in his hand. With shaking fingers, Angy sought a pin hidden beneath her basque. "Father, shall I pin yer 'old-man' in yer buttonhole?" she quavered.

"I am indeed an old woman! Go and find yourself something to play with, alive or dead. You are vastly too clever for my company." "I'll go and saddle Brownie. Will you come for a ride, Aunt Angy?" "Yes, dear, if her ladyship does not want me at home." "Her ladyship knows your heart is in the fields and woods.

Before Angy could make any reply, Blossy called to the couple softly but insistently from the foot of the stairs; and Angy, wrenching herself free, hastened down the steps, for once in her life glad to get away from Abe. He lost no time in following. No matter where Angy went, he would follow until all was well between her and him again. But what was this?

The parents were delighted and grateful; but their wonder almost swallowed up all other emotions. "To think o' her!" they said. "The Elder not three weeks buried, an' she a goin' round, jest as calm 'n' sweet's a baby, a gettin' up a school!" "She's too good for this earth, that's what she is," said Angy Plummer. "I should jest like to know if anybody'd know this village, since she came into 't.

"You don't love him," "Red" affirmed, for her. "Oh!" Angela burst out, all confusion. "No more than you loved any of the rest of 'em," "Red" went on. "Keep still!" the girl cried. "Keep still! I think you're dreadful!" "It's because they're better looking than me," her slave went right on. "I'm the one for you to marry, Angy, and you know it!"

Did you enjoy yourself to-day no, yesterday? Did you? Well, yes and no! Now, if Angy had been along! Angy! That was why he could not go to sleep! He had forgotten to kiss her good-by! Wonder if she had noticed it? Wonder if she had missed him more on account of that neglect? Pshaw! What nonsense!