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Updated: January 12, 2025
I ain't goin' to send no man to kingdom without givin' him time to pray. Ef he won't use it the blame is his'n, but that ain't no reason why I oughtn't to give him the time." "How long?" "Wa'al, I reckon 'bout three minutes is 'nough fur a right good prayer. Thar, he's shot ag'in, but I don't know whar his bullet went. He's usin' up his prayin' time fast."
"My part comes first, then it's your turn. I've got to go back to the store. It was just about noon that Simon Basset come in ag'in and asked for a piece of rope. Said he wanted it to tie his cow with. I got out some rope, and he tried to beat me down on it; asked me if I hadn't got some second-hand rope I'd let him have a piece of.
The Panther made a long and critical examination of everything. "I'm thinkin'," he said, "that Cos stayed here three or four days. All the signs p'int that way. He was bound by the terms we gave him at San Antonio to go an' not fight ag'in, but he's shorely takin' his time about it. Look at these bones, will you? Now, Ned, you promisin' scout an' skirmisher, tell me what they are."
Den he say, 'Hab you got any boa'ders yere? an' I say, 'I got one, an' den he 'tempted ter pass me an' I say, 'Wait a minute 'til I see ef he's outen de bed. Now, what's I gwineter do? He doan' mean no good to Marse Harry an' he'll dribe him 'way ag'in, an' he jes' come back an' you gittin' well a-lovin' of him an' " An uncertain step was heard in the hall.
Meantime they were jingling along, with a chill clashing of bells, and Raven had heard all about the prospects of an open winter and the difficulties of ice-cutting, and he gathered that Jerry and Charlotte were extremely pleased to have him come. "Didn't know's we should ever set eyes on ye ag'in," said Jerry, with an innocuous flick of his whiplash, hitting the dasher by intent.
"Uster be a plenty of 'em," said he to "Captain Li," "but dey's scurcer'n gole dollars now-adays, an' I'se proud to see 'em comin' ag'in." By the time breakfast was over and the Elmers came on deck, they found the schooner running rapidly up a broad river, between wide expanses of low salt-marshes, bounded by distant pine forests, and studded here and there with groups of cabbage palms.
The boy was scairter'n a weasel. The bear he jumped up 'an down on his hind legs 'n laughed 'n' hollered 'n' shook himself. "Only jes' foolin," says he, when he see the boy was goin' t' run ag'in. "What ye 'fraid uv?" "Can't bear t' stay here," says the boy, "'less ye'll keep yer mouth shet."
Wuz I his mother tell he was fifteen years old, or wusn't I? you answer me dat. En you speck I could see him turned out po' and ornery on de worl' en never care noth'n' 'bout it? I reckon if you'd ever be'n a mother yo'self, Valet de Chambers, you wouldn't talk sich foolishness as dat." "Well, den, ole Marse forgive him en fixed up de will ag'in do dat satisfy you?"
You had a lot of trouble." "My trouble's all owing to you," she answered passionately. "And I'll thank you to go right now." He put out a hand in expostulation. "Jus' a minute," he begged. "You done me wrong, but I don't hold it ag'in you. Jus' believe I didn't hurt your pa. And I admire you and your sister sure I do. By golly! You're blamed sandy!" "You take big chances to come here."
He had never seen her so. She had to be pursued, coaxed, tired out with persuasion before she would even accept the warmth he too often had for her. "Isr'el," she said, "Isr'el Tenney! if you ever ag'in, so long as you live, think wrong o' that baby there, you'll be the wickedest man on God's earth." His arms closed about her and she stood passive. Yet she wanted to free herself. Did she love him?
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