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But there was no unusual aspect of gladness on her face, as she lighted the candle to give them a more cheerful welcome. 'Wheere's feyther? said Sylvia, looking round the room for Daniel. 'He's been to Kirk Moorside Church, for t' see a bit o' th' world, as he ca's it. And sin' then he's gone out to th' cattle; for Kester's ta'en his turn of playing hissel', now that father's better.

Then he left them and taking meat and rice and butter and what else of food he needed, returned to his wife and told her what had passed; whereupon she said, 'Between night and day, wonders may happen: and God bless him who saith: Be mild what time thou'rt ta'en with anger and despite And patient, if there fall misfortune on thy head.

"Now, by thy life and wert thou just my life thou hadst not ta'en, * But who can break the severance law which parteth lovers twain! Thou loadest me with heavy weight of longing love, when I * Can hardly bear my chemisette for weakness and for pain: I marvel not to see my life and soul in ruin lain: * I marvel much to see my frame such severance pangs sustain."

Onybody nicht hae h'ard him sayin' them ower and ower til himsel', as gien he cudna weary o' them, but naebody but mysel' seemed to hae ta'en ony notice o' the same. I used whiles to won'er whether he fully un'erstude what he was sayin' but troth! hoo cud there be ony sense in sic havers?" "Was there ony mair o' the ballant?" asked Cosmo. "Gien there was mair; I h'ard na't," replied Grannie.

Philip's very good, and kind, and he says he shall die if I will not marry him, and there's no home for mother and me, no home for her, for as for me I dunnot care what becomes on me; but if Charley's alive I cannot marry Philip no, not if he dies for want o' me and as for mother, poor mother, Kester, it's an awful strait; only first tell me if there's a chance, just one in a thousand, only one in a hundred thousand, as Charley were ta'en by t' gang? She was breathless by this time, what with her hurried words, and what with the beating of her heart.

With the life-blood of the slaughtered lords all slippery is the sand, Yet proudly in the centre hath Gazul ta'en his stand; And ladies look with heaving breast, and lords with anxious eye, But firmly he extends his arm his look is calm and high.

But they say he fought very hard in that bluidy battle at Inverness; and Deacon Clank, the whit-iron smith, says that the government folk are sair agane him for having been out twice; and troth he might hae ta'en warning, but there's nae Me like an auld fule. The puir Colonel was only out ance.

"And have they e'en ta'en him, Kinmont Willie, Withouten either dread or fear, And forgotten that the bauld Buccleugh Can back a steed or shake a spear?" Zerubbabel Chirk fairly danced up and down in his excitement "Oh! but begin again at the beginning, please, Miss Hildy," he cried.

And now the word gangs the Colonel is to be tried, and to suffer wi' them that were ta'en at Carlisle. 'And his sister? 'Ay, that they ca'd the Lady Flora weel, she's away up to Carlisle to him, and lives wi' some grand Papist lady thereabouts to be near him. 'And, said Edward,'the other young lady? 'Whilk other? I ken only of ae sister the Colonel had.

I dinna see that she suld be sae feared for her ain bonny bargain o' a gudeman, and that I shouldna reverence Mr. Butler just as much; and sae I'll e'en tell him, when that tippling body the Captain has ta'en boat in the morning.