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"Saxty years o' madness! saxty years o' madness! How lang, O Lord, before thou bring these puir daft bodies to their richt mind again?" We stood watching him, and interchanging looks expecting something, we knew not what. Suddenly he sank forward on his knees, with his hands on the bars of the grate; we rushed forward, and caught him up.

But she had only retreated within another of her defences. 'I canna leave thae twa laddies alane. They wad be up to a' mischeef. 'There's Betty to luik efter them, suggested Miss Lammie. 'Betty! returned Mrs. Falconer, with scorn. 'But what for shouldna ye fess the lads wi' ye? suggested Mr. Lammie. 'I hae no richt to burden you wi' them.

There were men I knew in Hamilton who'd have found themselves richt at hame among the agitators in Butte. I'm minded to be tellin' ye a tale of one such lad. The lad I've in mind I'll call Andy McTavish, which'll no be his richt name, ye'll ken. He could ha' been the best miner in the pit. He could ha' been the best liked lad in a' those parts. But he was not.

'Twas but another of the blows of Fate. "At any rate," he said in a broad Scotch accent, "ye come of kin that has helpit my maister afore this. I've many times heard tell o' Herveys and Townshends in England, and a' folk said they were on the richt side. Ye're maybe no a freend, but ye're a freend's freend, or I wadna be speirin' at ye." I was amused at the prologue, and waited on the tale.

She caught the doctor's eye, and could only half restrain a sob. "I couldna help that," she said, apologetically. "I'm richt angry at myself for being so ungrateful like." The doctor thought it best that they should depart at once. He rose. "Oh, no, doctor," cried Nanny in alarm. "But you are ready?" "Ay," she said, "I have been ready this twa hours, but you micht wait a minute.

"Ah'll mind Susie, niver you fear, ma lass " "And Mr. Martin?" hesitatingly. Auntie Jinit laughed a gay, self-sufficient laugh. "Ah'll mind him tae," she said firmly. "Ah've sed to Jake mony's the time there'll be some awfu' jedgment come upon this house, Jake Martin, because ye turned a bit helpless bairn an' a decreepit auld buddy oot o' their hame. An' Jake kens ah'm richt.

I'm no saying did I or did I no. But ha' I no the richt to crack a joke wi' friends o' mine like the stage hands I come to ken sae well when I'm in a theatre for a week's engagement? I've a song I'm singing the noo. In it I'm an auld Scottish sailor. I'm pretendin', in the song, that I'm aboot to start on a lang voyage.

Ye'll please me best by no wantin to please me; and ye'll please God best by duin what he's putten intil yer hert as the richt thing, and the bonny thing, and the true thing, though ye suld dee i' the duin o' 't. Tell me what ye're thinkin o' duin. 'What but gaeing efter this new commission they hae promised me?

We didna care sae muckle for the wife, Eppie Lownie, for she managed the farm, an' she was fell hard an' terrible reserved we thocht, no even likin' ony body to get friendly wi' the mester, as we called Sam'l. Ay, we made a richt mistak."

Because ye see it's no whether shaidows be dear or no that we think muckle or little o' them, but whether we be richt het and tired whan we win till ane o' them. It's that 'at maks the differ." Sorrow herself will reveal one day that she was only the beneficent shadow of Joy. Will Evil ever show herself the beneficent shadow of Good?