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'I understand, continued the first speaker, emphatically, and with the air of one who is well informed 'I understand there IS a settlement. 'And what does little Jenny Gibson get? 'A hundred, and the auld repeater. 'That's but sma' gear, puir thing; she had a sair time o't with the auld leddy. But it's ill waiting for dead folk's shoon.

Betty rushed in, drying her hands on her apron. She had not heard him enter. 'Eh losh! she cried, and put her wet apron to her eyes. 'Sic a man as ye're grown, Robert! A puir body like me maunna be speykin to ye noo. 'There's nae odds in me, Betty, returned Robert. ''Deed but there is. Ye're sax feet an' a hairy ower, I s' warran'.

Some Heriot laddie who, being not entirely a "puir orphan," but only "faderless" and, therefore, living outside the school with his mother, had been kept after nightfall because of ill-prepared lessons or misbehavior. Mr. Traill turned, passed his own door, and went on southward into Forest Road, that skirted the long arm of the kirkyard.

"There's matter enow," replied the lunatic, "mair than ae puir mind can bear, I trow. Stay a bit, and I'll tell you a' about it; for I like ye, Jeanie Deans a'body spoke weel about ye when we lived in the Pleasaunts And I mind aye the drink o' milk ye gae me yon day, when I had been on Arthur's Seat for four-and-twenty hours, looking for the ship that somebody was sailing in."

For his ain puir peculiar," as he said, "and to contribute something to the rehabilitation of sae auld ane house," the said Turntippet sent in three family pictures lacking the frames, and six high-backed chairs, with worked Turkey cushions, having the crest of Ravenswood broidered thereon, without charging a penny either of the principal or interest they had cost him, when he bought them, sixteen years before, at a roup of the furniture of Lord Ravenswood's lodgings in the Canongate.

Well, sir, it was just after ye went to learn to be a doctor, that I resolved to try and do something to push him forward mysel, as his parents were not in ability; and I had made application to a gentleman on his behalf, to use his influence to procure him a bursary in ane o' the universities, when Sandy's faither died, and, puir man, left hardly as muckle behind him as would pay the expenses o' the funeral.

As often as his name was mentioned, Miss Letty's eyes would grow hazy, and as often she would make some comical remark. 'Puir fallow! she would say, 'he was ower lang-leggit for this warld. Or again: 'Ay, he was a braw chield. But he canna live. His feet's ower sma'.

'I seldom ban, sir, said he to the man; 'but if you play any of your hound's-foot tricks, and leave puir Berwick before he's sorted, to rin after spuilzie, deil be wi' me if I do not give your craig a thraw. He then stroked with great complacency the animal which had borne him through the fatigues of the day, and having taken a tender leave of him Weel, my good young friends, a glorious and decisive victory, said he; 'but these loons of troopers fled ower soon.

"Lord safe us!" whispered Hobbie, "that the dead should bear sie fearfu' ill-will to the living! his saul maun be in a puir way, I'm jealous." "Come, my friend," said Earnscliff, "you seem to suffer under some strong affliction; common humanity will not allow us to leave you here."

Halfpenny explained that this came of Christian folk setting up heathen idols in their houses as 'twas a shame for decent folk to look at, let alone puir bairnies; while Jasper and Gillian gasped in convulsions of laughter, and bandied queries whether their aunt were the statue 'Pig-my-lion' had animated, as nothing could be less statuesque than she, whether the reverse had taken place, as Primrose observed, and she had been the Pygmalion to awaken the soul in the man of marble.