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His aunt Polly was knocked so stupid and so mad at the cold impudence of it that she couldn't say a word for as much as a half a minute, and this gave me a chance to nudge Tom and whisper: "Ain't you got any sense? Sp'iling such a noble chance as this and throwing it away?" But he warn't disturbed. He mumbled back: "Huck Finn, do you want me to let her SEE how bad I want to go?

Or else the lasses' eyes are not bright hereabouts, or the blood of Nottingham youth is sluggish and cold. Lincoln against Nottingham, say I! For no one hath put foot upon the boards this day such as we of Lincoln call a cudgel player." At this, one would nudge another with his elbow, saying, "Go thou, Ned!" or "Go thou, Thomas!" but no lad cared to gain a cracked crown for nothing.

But now their turn had come, for with the broken line of the enemy had come a call for the cavalry to pursue and complete the demoralization of the foe. "Some class to that bunch," remarked Tom, as he watched the flying column with an appraising eye. "A little faster than your tanks, old scout?" remarked Bart, giving Stone a nudge in the ribs. "They sure are," admitted Stone.

At the Virginia Hotel, I visited, among others, the room in which I had lodged when I first came to Culpepper. Eight persons now occupied it, and three of them lay across the bed. I took the first man's name, and as the man next to him seemed to be asleep, I asked the first man to nudge him gently. "I don't think he is alive," said the man; "he hasn't moved since midnight.

As she passed, Robert turned with a look as if he had been watching for her, and came forward hastily. "Miss Brewster!" he called. Mamie Brady, following close behind, gave Ellen an admonishing nudge. "Boss wants to see you," she whispered, loudly. Ellen stopped, and Robert came up. "Please step in here a moment, Miss Brewster," he said, and colored a little.

Pelle scarcely knew what happened to him after that, until he found himself back in the carriage; they had to nudge him every time he had to do anything. He saw no one but Ellen. She was his sun; the rest meant nothing to him. At the altar he had seized her hand and held it in his during the whole service.

'You never speaks now; 'ave you 'ad yer tongue cut aht? 'Me? I ain't got nothin' ter speak abaht, thet I knows of, answered Polly, abruptly walking off. Liza grew very red and quickly looked to see if anyone had noticed the incident. A couple of youths, sitting on the pavement, had seen it, and she saw them nudge one another and wink. Then the fellows about the street began to chaff her.

Six minutes later, the umpire called the captains to the home plate for the toss. "There they are -the same old chums!" cried Dick, hitting Greg a nudge. Darrin and Dalzell, of the Navy nine, had been trying to catch the eyes of the Army battery. Now the four old chums raced together to a point midway between pitcher's box and home plate. There they met and clasped each others' hands.

The old storekeeper gave him a nudge and pointed underhand to a young man of ragged aspect sitting gloomily on a box. Slone recognized Joel Creech. The fellow surely made a pathetic sight, and Slone pitied him. He looked needy and hungry. "Say," said Slone, impulsively, "want to help me carry some grub an' stuff?" "Howdy!" replied Creech, raising his head. "Sure do."

"That's for you," whispered Sally to Bobbie with a very broad nudge, but Bobbie's eyes answered with that look pet animals throw out when in doubt of a master's exact meaning. Then, there were cited the highest averages, and the first name called was that of Miss Sarah Howland! As Miss Rutledge read the name she looked up from her reports.