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"Hush! Whisht!" cried the father "here's Dora coming." Dora came in. "Any letter for me?" "Ay, darling, one for you." "Oh, give it me! I'm always in a desperate hurry for my letters: where is it?" "No you need not hold out your pretty hand; the letter is for you, but not to you," said King Corny; "and now you know ay, now you guess my quick little blusher, who 'tis from."

"Thanks, friend," Ina said. "That is a plain tale, and all we need to know. But what say men of Owen, whom you spoke of? Is it known that he lives?" "Oh ay. They say that you know more of him than any one. Men have seen him here at Glastonbury. Moreover, Gerent came to Norton, just across the Quantocks, yesterday, and it is thought that he wants to send a message to you asking after him.

See how elegantly they canter their steeds over the only smooth piece of turf our travellers had met with throughout the whole extent of gloomy commons they had that morning traversed. "Ay, that's right!

"Ay," she said, "a low, common Indian. I told my sister, when she took you, the Indian blood in your veins would show some day; and now it has come true." Ramona's cheeks were scarlet. Her eyes flashed. "Yes, Senora Moreno," she said, springing to her feet; "the Indian blood in my veins shows to-day. I understand many things I never understood before.

They were altogether confused and stupefied; just in the same state, in a word, as the poor negro slaves in America, and the heathens ay, and the Christians too, are in, in all the countries of the world which do not know the good news of Christmas- day or have forgotten it and disobeyed it. But Isaiah had God's Spirit with him; the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of holiness, righteousness, justice.

"She would do honor to a more pretentious court with her wit as well as beauty. What did you call the title she bore?" "'Daughter of the Sun' was the name given in the altar-house yonder; later she made use of the word Naladi." "Ay! that was it. 'T is a name fitting her well to my taste, and I boast of some experience with the sex. Sacre!

Yes! your income is ten shillings a week; out of that you spend three shillings in drink; ay! you, the sober ones. You can't afford it, my boys. Find me a man whose income is a thousand a year; well, if he imitates you, and spends three hundred upon sensuality, I bet you the odd seven hundred he does not make both ends meet; the proportion is too great.

It would be better if the after cabin was empty, but of course the princess has that. There is room for him to be stowed comfortably enough under the fore deck with your bales, however, and it will be warm there. Ay, we will take the poor soul home, for his mind will be easier, and that will help his healing. It is ill to be laid up in a strange land.

"Our Lord, then, paid not the full price, but left at the least a few marks over for us to pay? Nay, He bought Heaven for us, Amphillis: and only He could do it. We have nothing to pay; and if we had, how should our poor hands reach to such a purchase as that? It took God to save the world. Ay, and it took God, too, to love the world enough to save it."

Ho! don't you 'eed what a girl says, An' don't you go for the beer; But I was an ass when I was at grass, An' that is why I'm 'ere. 'Ay, listen to our little man now, singin' an' shoutin' as tho' trouble had niver touched him.