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Updated: August 25, 2024

He threw himself down on a sofa and began to light a cigarette. "The evening? No, I don't." "Why not?" He crossed his long legs and leaned back, resting his head on a cushion, and puffing the smoke towards the ceiling. "They all seemed cheery what? Even Lady Cardington only cried when you were squallin'." It was Lord Holme's habit to speak irreverently of anything he happened to admire.

For ther aint no shops as want kids squallin round, as fer as I can make out. An Jimmy's a limb, as boys mos'ly are in my egsperience. Larst week 'e give the biby a 'alfpenny and two o' my biggest buttons to swaller, an I ony jest smacked 'em out of 'er in time. Ther'd be murder done if I was to leave 'em. An 'ow 'ud I be able to pay anyone fer lookin' after em?

It was the voice of little Matty, who, awaking suddenly out of a terrifying dream, set up a shrieking which at once drowned all other sounds. Ned lowered his foot, thrust his hands into his pockets, and stood gazing in a state of indecision at the broken pavement for a few minutes. "No peace there," he said, sternly. "Prayin' an' squallin' don't suit me, so good-night to 'ee all."

If I was to say 'No' to you, an' stay here, an' have time to think it over, down in that sizzlin' kitchen, with her squallin' at me all day, I'd end up in a padded cell. If I was to leave just so, I'd maybe get me a job in a shop at less than I could live on honest. You see?" He nodded, and she went on somberly: "So I'm most at the end of my tether.

"Lunette's man-boarder there, the husban', he 's editor of a noos-sheet, and gits a thousand dollars a year 'tain't believable, but it's what they say an' he thinks he knows it all. He got Fluke to take him out in his boat; he began to direc' Fluke how to do this, an' how to do that, and squallin' and flyin' at him. Fluke sailed back with him and sot him ashore.

None uv the rest uv us knew what all this meant, but in a minnit Bill come back with his little yaller baby in his arms, 'nd you never heerd a baby squall 'nd carry on like that baby wuz squallin' 'nd carryin' on. Fact is, the little yaller baby wuz hungry, hungrier 'n a wolf, 'nd there wuz its mother dead in the car up ahead 'nd its gran'ma a good piece up the road.

"Reckon we found our sleepers," says I. So, there we was. Larry had to lead his cavallo down the barranca to the main canon. I followed along on the rim, waitin' until a place gave me a chance to get down, too, or Larry a chance to get up. We were talkin' back and forth when, all at once, Larry shouted again. "Big game this time," he yells. "Here's a cave and a mountain lion squallin' in it."

"If that air all what air worryin' ye, then kiss yer brat," said she. "I air goin' to sing an' mebbe I'll only see Waldstricker to speak to 'im. If he says anythin' 'bout Andy " "What'll ye tell 'im, kid?" gasped the dwarf. "Oh, I'll string 'im like I allers does," returned Tess. "Now you're done squallin' like a baby, look at me!" "Ain't she swell?" enthused Andy. "Orn, have ye looked 'er over?"

An' it yowlt o' th' way as they went, like a naughty lad bein' turn't out of a reawm for cryin'. Th' parson waited till it wur gone; an' then he went on wi' th' sarvice. When they set th' organ down i'th chapel yard, owd Pudge wiped his for-yed, an' he said, 'By th' mass, Dick, thae'll get th' bag for this job. 'Whau, what for, said Dick. 'Aw 've no skill of sich like squallin' boxes as this.

W'en he got dar he tuck'n drap de bag off'n his back en call up de imps, en dey des come a squallin' en a caperin', w'ich I speck dey mus' a bin hongry. Leas'ways dey des swawm'd 'roun', hollerin' out: "'Daddy, w'at you brung daddy, w'at you brung?

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