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Here the shaking was resumed after the survey, and ended with the shutter opening with a snap and being caught back from within and held cautiously on the crack. Pudge kicked clods in his path and was pretentiously occupied with a dead beetle which he had picked up.

He had eaten but two nut sundaes and a chocolate frappé since luncheon. It wasn't soda and candy that made him so fat. Some folks just were fat, and some folks were thin. That was all there was to it! Pudge himself would have a private income when he was twenty-one.

I saw the Chink beg pardon, sir, I mean Ling-a-Ling the laundryman, burning joss-sticks in front of 'im," pointing of stub finger towards shameless dog "one night when the dawg was asleep. Jus' worship, please, sir, on all parts. And Mrs. Pudge what didn't oughter 'ave been down in our quarters, dropped the air cushion, sir, 'cause she missed in stays "

Pudge always says, with his sententious shake of the head, that the young squire was very particular about Bessy. 'Those Alderneys want a little care that's all. Bessy was of no better service to Clara in her present difficulty than the less aristocratic herd of common cattle. There was a pause for a moment, and then she began again. 'How did you leave your sister, Will?

"De c'unel dat stubbo'n I jes' have to talk mighty plain 'fore I could make him pudge erlong," proudly whispered the servant as he passed me. I sprang to my feet, and Colonel Lewis and His Excellency, John Murray, Earl of Dunmore, our royal governor, leisurely strolled into view. Colonel Lewis wore no wig and was smoking a pipe, of which he was inordinately fond.

Pudge drew out his most esteemed possession, a watch which kept perfect time except when it refused to keep any time at all. "Three o'clock," he announced. "Then our last demonstration is under way, and when I tell my story " E. Eliot interrupted herself. "Come on let's catch the trolley!"

'You can't think what a pet Bess has been with us. And she seems to think that she is privileged to go everywhere, and do anything. 'I hope they have taken care that she has had winter food. 'Winter food! Why Pudge, and all the Pudges, and all the family in the house, and all your cattle would have to want, before Bessy would be allowed to miss a meal.

When President Banks, of the Great F. C. & L. Railroad, rolled into Homeburg in his private car, to become "Pudge" Banks again for a day or two and revisit the scenes of his boyhood, he came on Number Eleven of course. The train hung around while the band played two selections and the mayor gave an address of welcome. That was her longest visit in Homeburg.

Gyp too had seen the humours of her baby, of its queer little reddish pudge of a face, of its twenty-seven black hairs, and the dribble at its almost invisible mouth; but she had also seen it as a miracle; she had felt it, and there surged up from her all the old revolt and more against his lack of consideration. It was not a funny one her baby! It was not ugly!

Within five minutes he had laid the matter before her up in that solemn office, where they made you feel so uncomfortable. She had said: "Pudge Sheridan, you're killing yourself! Not one cent more for wrecking your stomach!" She had called him "Pudge." For months he had been reminding her that his name was Percival. And he wasn't wrecking his stomach. That was silly talk.