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'Man who drifts down the stream o' life in a painted barge on the broad of his back among the Persian rugs, with a fat cigar in his teeth, an' all his favourite drinks within reach, has gotter strike a snag now 'n agin, said Long. 'The question's just this is it wuth it? 'I can't understand why a tired man like you takes the trouble to shave, Jim said to him one night.

Any special er significance to the occasion, if the question's not impertinent? Birthday, wedding anniversary or something like that?" "No, nothing like that!" Markel grinned, winked secretively, and rubbed his hands together. "I'm feeling good, that's all I'm going to make the killing of my life to-morrow." "Oh!" said Jimmie Dale. Markel turned to Carruthers.

His cousin stared at him with an idiotic want of apprehension of the question's meaning. 'Didn't you come on horseback? Jervase asked more loudly than before. 'I I suppose so, stammered James. 'Suppose so! 'his cousin snarled at him, laying an unfriendly hand upon him and jolting him roughly to and fro. 'You came on a horse, didn't you? And if you didn't, how the devil did you get here?

There was a certain overgrown pomp in the question's form, but that is how she very modestly asked it, and I will take no liberty with its construction. I thought his reply a good one. "We have all," he said, "come up from wild nature. In wild nature there are innumerable delights, but they are qualified by countless inconveniences.

Take Roger, for example, will he become Lord Chancellor of England, or a footling little Registrar of a footling County Court?..." "I haven't had a brief yet," Roger interrupted, "so that question's somewhat premature, isn't it?" "I'm not talking about now ... I'm talking about the future," Gilbert replied.

You believe in it no more than any one else. Aren't you tired of that sort of game? Of playing with us all as if we were so many children? Well, if you're not, I am. I tell you, Ydo, I've had enough of it. You threw me over yesterday, for no reason under the sun. Just caprice, whim you can't whistle me back and throw me over to-morrow. This question's going to be decided here and now for ever.

It's a matter of ten roubles," he added, relaxing his lips into a smile. "I have decided, but I was afraid you might not agree." Levin saw it was a joke, but he could not smile. "Well, how's it to be then? unlighted or lighted candles? that's the question." "Yes, yes, unlighted." "Oh, I'm very glad. The question's decided!" said Stepan Arkadyevitch, smiling.

"Well, what prevents is simply that you're the gentlest spirit on earth. Besides " he pursued; but he came to a pause. "Besides ?" "I SHOULD be in fear if you were older there! See you already make me talk nonsense," the young man added. "The question's about your father. Is he likewise afraid of Mrs. Beale?" "I think not. And yet he loves her," Maisie mused. "Oh no he doesn't; not a bit!"

I repeat the performance, with the same result. The question's solved: I have learnt by deduction that I see the sun with my eyes. Oh, what a discovery! That evening, I told the whole house all about it. Grandmother smiled fondly at my simplicity: the others laughed at it. 'Tis the way of the world. Another find.

When it came to Sabre's consciousness he had somehow the feeling that it had been going on a very long time. He jumped to his feet. The siren had the obscene and terrific note of a gigantic hen in delirium. "What the devil's that?" She received his question with the blank look of one whose mind had no idea of the question's reason.