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Forester, as this speech was slowly pronounced, sat down, folded his arms, and appeared totally insensible quite unconscious that he was in the presence of a magistrate, or that any human being was observing him. "Ah, mon cher monsieur, pardonnez!" cried Pasgrave, bursting into tears. "N'en parlons plus," added he, turning to the magistrate. "Je payerai tout ce qu'il faut.

I seized a paddle, and was working the boat's nose round, to pursue, when another figure showed above the Gauntlet's bulwarks: a tall figure in an orange-russet garment like a dressing-gown; a monk, to all appearance, for the sun played on his tonsured scalp as he leaned forward and watched our approach. "Seamen, seamen, whence come ye? Pardonnez moy, je vous en prie." Old Song.

'Chat et vieux, pardonnez? said my uncle, quoting from La Fontaine; and then, opening a pale-blue eye full on Alain, he delivered with some emphasis: 'La jeunesse se flatte et croit tout obtenir; La vieillesse est impitoyable. The blood leaped darkly into Alain's face. He turned to Romaine and me, and his eyes flashed. 'It is your turn now, he said.

"O, pardonnez mois, I thought from your features and the straightness of your coal-black hair, that you were." Riel's blood was nigh unto boiling in his veins, but he had craft enough to preserve a tolerably unruffled exterior. "And in return for this great bravery, ma petite demoiselle has, I suppose, given her heart to her deliverer?"

A punchinello jarred against him with: "Pardonnez moi, pardie!" On the perfumed air the music swelled rapturously; a waltz, warm with the national life of Vienna; the swan song of Lanner! Softly, sweetly, breathed "Die Schönbrunner;" faster whirled the moving forms. Eyes flashed more brightly; little feet seemed born for dancing; cheeks, pale at midday, were flushed with excitement!

"Pardonnez moi, Sir Reginald," exclaimed Madame De La Motte, breaking off the conversation in which she was engaged with Harry, and looking up briskly. "Surely la pauvre France has produced some pure and religious writers, and many works on science worthy of perusal." "I beg ten thousand pardons, madame, I forgot that a French lady was present.

"Pardonnez, Mademoiselle, but Sir Tilton Everly would continue his search until our belle of the evening was found," said De Vesey, apologetically. "Not so loud, Monsieur De Vesey," Vaura answered in a whisper. "This is the temple of the god of Silence, and Captain Trevalyon and I have been worshipping at his shrine.

How high, how holy we felt, when we worshipped there. Because I like the cathedral, you will forgive me for all I said before, will you not, ma chère mère?" Turning her head suddenly towards her mother, Adèle saw her eyes filled with tears. "Eh! ma chère mère, pardonnez moi. I have pained you". And she rose and flung her arms, passionately, around her mother's neck.

Pardonnez moi, Monsieur le Count, said I I am not the king's jester. But you are Yorick? Yes. Et vous plaisantez? I answered, Indeed I did jest, but was not paid for it; 'twas entirely at my own expense.

Pardonnez mon extase.... Ah! ai compris votre canon.... Oui, oui, la grande-bataille.... Allemands chiens! And then striking his breast violently: 'Dans le coeur, moi ... je vous porte.... Ah! How do such works come to be neglected by our Republic? How is it they have not a place in our public life? Why are they not part of our great ceremonies?