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Mais vous plaisantez, said he, correcting his exclamation. I laid my hand upon my breast, and with earnest gravity assured him it was my most settled opinion. The Count said he was mortified he could not stay to hear my reasons, being engaged to go that moment to dine with the Duc de C- .

"Do you propose to dispense with preliminaries?" asked Mr. Wentworth, getting up. "Dear uncle, vous plaisantez!" cried Felix. "It seems to me that these are preliminaries." Gertrude turned to her father. "I have profited," she said. "You wanted to form my character. Well, my character is formed for my age. I know what I want; I have chosen. I am determined to marry this gentleman."

Hilson, quite indignantly. "It is true there are many plebeians in this country; but we have also many people of the highest aristocracy." "Ah, vous plaisantez avec tant de grace, Madame!" "It is pleasant, certainly, to me; though some people may not appreciate it. I am a very aristocratic spirit."

Cependant des dames arriveés dans un galerie qui communiquait avec cette chambre, y trouverent un militaire en uniform d'officier Autrichien, qui leur dit, "Que desirez vous voir, Mesdames?" 'Nous voudrions voir Napoleon. "Mais ce'st moi, Mesdames." Ces dames le regardant lui dirent en riant, 'Vous plaisantez, Monsieur; ce n'est pas vous qui etes Napoleon. "Je vous assure, Mesdames, ce'st moi.

Pardonnez moi, Monsieur le Count, said I I am not the king's jester. But you are Yorick? Yes. Et vous plaisantez? I answered, Indeed I did jest, but was not paid for it; 'twas entirely at my own expense.

He is so subtle.” Blunt remembered my existence for the purpose of that remark and as usual it made me very uncomfortable. “Perfectly true. A lonely traveller. They are all in the scramble from the lowest to the highest. Heavens! What a gang! There was even an Archbishop in it.” “Vous plaisantez,” said Mills, but without any marked show of incredulity.