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Updated: August 10, 2024

'In the condition to which I am reduced, says he, 'I could not ope to reach Dover before dark even if my shoes were in a state to take me there or my feet were in a state to old out over the flinty road and were not on the bare ground of which any gentleman has the means to satisfy himself by looking Sir may I take the liberty of speaking to you? As the well-spoken young man keeps so well up with you that you can't prevent his taking the liberty of speaking to you, he goes on, with fluency: 'Sir it is not begging that is my intention for I was brought up by the best of mothers and begging is not my trade I should not know sir how to follow it as a trade if such were my shameful wishes for the best of mothers long taught otherwise and in the best of omes though now reduced to take the present liberty on the Iway Sir my business was the law-stationering and I was favourably known to the Solicitor- General the Attorney-General the majority of the judges and the ole of the legal profession but through ill elth in my family and the treachery of a friend for whom I became security and he no other than my own wife's brother the brother of my own wife I was cast forth with my tender partner and three young children not to beg for I will sooner die of deprivation but to make my way to the sea- port town of Dover where I have a relative i in respect not only that will assist me but that would trust me with untold gold Sir in appier times and hare this calamity fell upon me I made for my amusement when I little thought that I should ever need it excepting for my air this' here the well-spoken young man put his hand into his breast 'this comb!

'If ladies wants to be safe, said number one, 'they'd better stop in their 'omes. 'That's the first rude policeman I ever began Mrs. Fox-Moore, as they went on. 'Well, you know he's only echoing what we all say. Vida was looking over the crowd to where on the plinth of the historic column the little group of women and a solitary man stood out against the background of the banners.

"A parrot, by the looks of it," put in Mr Philp. "Sherlock 'Omes!" Mr Rogers congratulated him curtly. "'Mornin', Mr Rogers mornin', Mr Philp!" 'Bias halted and held out the cage at half-arm's length. "Yes, 'tis a fine bird I'm told." He eyed the parrot vindictively. "Talks?" "Damn! That's just it." "What can it say?" "Dunno. Wish I did.

"It is good enough, Fanny," urged Kitty; "only, you see, we like it and can eat it, but Aunt Pike can't. You know the last time she was here she said everything gave her indigestion " "Them folks that is so afflicted," said Fanny, "should stay in their own 'omes, or the 'ospital. I'm sure master don't want patients indoors so well as out, and be giving up the food out of his own mouth to them.

'You think, she went on quietly, seeing she had 'got them' 'you think we women 'ave no business servin' on Boards and thinking about politics. In a tone of exquisite contempt, 'But wot's politics! she demanded. 'It's just 'ousekeepin' on a big scyle. Somebody applauded. 'Oo among you workin' men 'as the most comfortable 'omes? Those of you that gives yer wives yer wyges. 'That's it!

Again we turns the 'andle and presently we comes to another very beautiful scene "Early Morning in Trafalgar Square". 'Ere we see a lot of Englishmen who have been sleepin' out all night because they ain't got no 'omes to go to.

Don't you know there's a third of the women in this country can't afford the luxury of stayin' in their 'omes? They got to go out and 'elp make money to p'y the rent and keep the 'ome from bein' sold up. Then there's all the women that 'aven't got even miserable 'omes. They 'aven't got any 'omes at all. 'You said you got one. W'y don't you stop in it? 'Yes, that's like a man.

"When yer gow inter Wipers naow," said the orator, "yer see owld, grye-headed lydies an' bybies like little wite gowsts, an' yer sye ter them, 'Gow-a-wye, the 'Un may be 'ere ter-dye, but they wown't gow, they got now 'omes ter gow ter!" But in spite of the difficulties of a foreign language, you realized that this Cockney sergeant was a man.

'We must try and find 'omes for 'em when they are old enough, he says at last; 'I'll go round myself and see wot I can do for you. "Henery Walker thanked 'im and went off 'ome doing a bit o' thinking; and well he 'ad reason to. Everybody wanted one o' them kittens. Peter Gubbins offered for to take two, and Mr.

"'Couldn't you find 'omes for 'em? ses Mr. Bunnett. "Henery Walker shook his 'ead agin. ''Tain't no use thinking o' that, he ses. 'There's more cats than 'omes about 'ere'. Why, Bill Chambers drownded six o'ny last week right afore the eyes of my pore little boy. Upset 'im dreadful it did. "Mr. Bunnett walked up and down the room thinking.

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