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What wi' doctors an' 'omes an' nusses, an' all the fuss as a sick man makes about hisself in these days, I'd rather be as I am, Matt Peke, a-wanderin' by hill an' dale, an' lyin' down peaceful to die under a tree when my times comes, than take any part wi' the pulin' cowards as is afraid o' cold an' fever an' wet feet an' the like, just as if they was poor little shiverin' mice instead o' men.

I have a little girl at home that I have been away from for a week, but she has a father and a grandmother and a nurse to take care of her while I am gone. It makes me feel so sorry for these poor little things turned out in the world alone." "Bless you, ma'am!" exclaimed Ellen cheerfully. "The 'omes they're going to be a sight better than the 'omes they've left behind.

If one o' you is all right he thinks the rest don't matter. We women But they overwhelmed her. She stood there with her gaunt arms folded waiting. You felt that she had met other crises of her life with just that same smouldering patience. When the wave of noise subsided again, she was discovered to be speaking. 'P'raps your 'omes are all right! P'raps your children never goes 'ungry.

"Good that's the word, Alick steady boys shoulder omes." "I will feel very happy, sir, in your escort." "Yes, Alick yes exactly so but then we are time enough, man the night's but young yet we must have another tumbler before we go if it is only to put terror into these villains." "I am exceedingly sorry that it is out of my power to wait, sir.

''Ome! he bellowed, as if some one had struck him in a vital spot, and the word was merely a roar of pain. ''Ome! You've got a kennel w'ere you can munch your tommy. You got a corner w'ere you can curl up fur a few hours till you go out to work again. But 'omes!

Because the workin' man knows that wot's a pound to 'im is twenty shillins to 'is wife, and she'll myke every penny in every one o' them shillins tell. She gets more fur 'im out of 'is wyges than wot 'e can. Some o' you know wot the 'omes is like w'ere the men don't let the women manage.

But she had got the start of her, and over she went in a twinkling. The whole thing was done in an instant." "Oh, Mr. Omes, I wish you would explain all that to Doctor Ebling," said Ruth, coming up. "Oh, he knows all about it: he saw it the same as I did," said the young man. A suspicion crossed Ruth's mind that the doctor knew, but she could not believe him so base.

Bunnett told Henery Walker next day that 'e could ha' found 'omes for 'em ten times over. "'You've no idea wot fine, kind-'arted people they are in this village when their 'arts are touched, he ses, smiling at Henery. 'You ought to 'ave seen Mr. Jones's smile when I asked 'im to take one. It did me good to see it. And I spoke to Mr.

There's a seat in Parliament which I'll have to fight for afterwards like a dog for a bone, and an official position which brings in enough bread and-butter " "And there's a fortune remarked Barney Bill. "What do you mean?" Paul swung round sharply. "Yer father's fortune, sonny. Who do yer suppose he was a-going to leave it to? 'Omes for lost 'orses or Free Zionists?

He said he couldn't abide the 'ouse with a woman a-screaming like that. One of the neighbours came in to look after mother, and at last she had the doctor." Esther looked at her sister through streaming tears, and the woman in the other bed alluded to the folly of poor women being confined "in their own 'omes in a 'ome where there is a drunken 'usband, and most 'omes is like that nowadays."