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He simply gripped Gordon's reluctant hand and rumbled deeply, yet with a laugh running through the rumble: "Goot, Mister Gordon. I am glad to see you loog so well. I have heard aboudt you. It is goot. Now gif me some food in my hand and we shall see what dose leedle native mans will do mit us." The darkness became black, and still the jungle gave out no sounds beyond its own.

"Veil, you don't seem likes von silly girl, und I vill dry you; put you moost pe very schteady und batient, und but down shust vhat I say. Von leedle schlip, und I vas all vrong in mine vigures. Von preadth off hair down here ish oh so vide oop dere.

Pooty often. Blayin' fer a leedle money mit loafers! Loafers!" "Pretty outlook for the Loudens!" said Eskew Arp, much pleased. "One boy a plum fool and dressed like it, the other gone to the dogs already!" "What could you expect Joe to be?" retorted Squire Buckalew. "What chance has he ever had? Long as I can remember Fanny's made him fetch and carry for 'Gene.

"'Dot's all ride, said he, 'but I can't get avay. I must stay hier. Ven cost'mers com in, somebody must be hier to vait on 'em. "'That's all right, said I, 'but all your clerks are idle now. There isn't a customer in the store. Things are quiet just now. Suppose you come on down with me. "'No, I can't do dot, said the old man. 'I'd like to but I can't. Von't you breeng op a leedle stoff?

Steele looks greatly astonished. "Not so fery! Dthis train go soon; I must zay gude-bye. Here ees dthe leedle carve spoon from Escuintla you zay you like. I haf had much plaisir to know you, Madame. Gude-bye!" He holds out his shapely white hand and Mrs. Steele takes it warmly. "Indeed, Baron, I'm quite breathless with surprise, and really very sorry to lose you.

I know only dthat you American vomans haf yust one fault: you air how you zay? spoil vidth too great power; you raispect no von's judgment, you need zome strong man to rule." "To rule!" I echo, scornfully; "that may do for Peruvians, but our women are neither slaves nor imbeciles." "No," he retorts, "but zome zay your men air a leedle of bodth!"

The mother caught her little girl to her, sinking down upon her knees, putting her arms around her, holding her close. "No, no, gry all so mudge es you want. Say dot you are hongry. Say ut egen, say ut all de dime, ofer end ofer egen. Say ut, poor, starfing, leedle babby. Oh, mein poor, leedle tochter. My Gott, oh, I go crazy bretty soon, I guess. I cen't hellup you.

"Der night vas goot," he said to Mildred, "und I vill gif you von leedle glimpse oil hefen if you vould like him." The poor girl felt that she certainly needed a glimpse of something bright and reassuring, and wrapping herself warmly she followed her quaint friend to the roof. Roger grew taciturn as he watched the dim outline of her form and her white, upturned face.

"No," interposes the Baron, with a fatherly decision; "you vill haf supper soon, and I haf order tortillas. Mine vill be better. Vait leedle." Really, the Baron has quite taken me in hand, I think, half amused.

"What am I to do with it?" demanded Peter. "A very awkward bosition for you," agreed the sympathetic doctor. "I was a fool!" declared Peter. "You haf no one here to look after de leedle wench when you are away," pointed out the thoughtful doctor. "And from what I've seen of the imp," added Peter, "it will want some looking after." "I tink I tink," said the helpful doctor, "I see a way out!"