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"You vas not habby, my leedle schild," he said kindly. "Dere's someding droubling you heart; put you gan no see vay inter der hefens drew dears do' dey vas glear as der lens off my glass." "I fear I shall have to see through tears very often, if I see at all," Mildred replied, with a low, suppressed sob. "Forgive me to-night.

A moment afterwards the door was slightly opened, and Pinchas's head was protruded through the aperture. The poet wore his most endearing smile, the finger was laid coaxingly against the nose. "Just von leedle speech, Simon. Tink how I lof you." "Oh, well, go away. I'll see," replied Wolf, laughing amid all his annoyance. The poet rushed in and kissed the hem of Wolf's coat.

"Captain Barry, when dot launch I had comes back from dot gunboat, we schall sail. Mister Leedle has agreed to go back to the station unt take charge until Mister Gordon returns, unt he takes dot launch unt some navy mans to stay mit him in case dose leedle brown mans ouf Leyden's make more bodder. So now mine boy Hendrik schall tell you somedings, yes?" Barry kept silent, merely nodding.

"For now, Barry, I haf to say take this schooner to Surabaya. It iss at the orders ouf dot navy mans. Hendrik has to rejoin his ship, unt it will take a week or so to clean oop all dose leedle things left py dose opium runners, I come mit you, too, unt if you are short ouf a mate, I can stand a watch yet. Now schall we start? Hendrik joins his ship outside."

"Och," said the brewer once more resuming his English. "Dat is too leedle for vive cases." "No," said Peter. "It was what I had decided to charge in case I got any damages." So the check was filled in, and Peter, after a warm handshake from both, went back to his office. "Dat iss a fine yoong mahn," said the brewer.

"Oh, she does, sir," exclaimed Jasper, finding his tongue first, for Polly was beyond speaking. "Polly works all the time she can." "Dat is right." Herr Bauricke bobbed his head in approval, so that his spectacles almost fell off. "I hear dat, in de music she play. No leedle girl play like dat, who doesn't work.

Ven I goes into dot hoshpital, dey oxamines mine lungs. Den dey puts me into a pedt mit a pig card hanging ofer mine hedt, und dere vos on dot card in pig letters, de vird, CONSUMPTION. I tink dey puts dot card dere to encourage me ven I looks at him. Und in a leedle pox py mine hedt, dey puts a pottle of medticine und say to me, 'You dakes a teaspoonful of dot efery dree hours. So I do dot.

It is hard to say whether the shriek of Pollyooly or the terrific bellow of his august sire was the sharper spur to the prince's legs; but he saved the rounder. "Sblendid! 'e did not roon like an ox," said the grand duke almost proudly. "Vhat did you write vas ze name of zat leedle anchel?"

"Vomans air much better take care off; dthey air fery happy, I 'sure you," and turning to me "You vould like it yourself after a leedle." "Indeed I shouldn't! And neither would the unfortunates who had charge of me." We pass a Catholic graveyard with high adobe wall and are at the Hospital Municipal, our objective point.

And then, oh dear, Jock only hopping more frantically than ever round the poor man the hired waiter, who, you must know, is the undertaker's chief mute, and singing 'Leedle, leedle, leedle, Our cat's dead. What did she die wi'? Wi' a sair head. A' you that kenned her While she was alive, Come to her burying At half-past five.