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But it's either them or gulls a-flappin'." Cap'n Sproul's brown hands clasped the rope-wound telescope, and he trained its lens with seaman's steadiness. "It's them," he said, with a chuckle of immense satisfaction. They're hoppin' up and down on the high ridge, and slattin' their arms in the air. It ain't no joy-dance, that ain't. I've seen Patagonian Injuns a war-dancin'. It's like that.

I asked some o' the fellers how she looked when they went off, an' they said her eyes was shinin' like stars; but there wasn't any more of her face to be seen, for she was rolled up in a big red shawl, It gits hoppin' cold here in September. I've always thought't was that same red shawl he had in his cabin; but I dunno's 'twas."

Anyhow hit wuz endurin' er de night, en atter she git loose she sorter graze 'roun', she did, fer ter jestify 'er stummuck she low'd, ole Miss Cow did, dat Brer Rabbit be hoppin' long dat way fer ter see how she gittin' on, en she tuck'n lay er trap fer 'im; en des 'bout sunrise w'at'd ole Miss Cow do but march up ter de 'simmon tree en stick er horn back in de hole?

She turned as Sundown jingled up and met him with a murmur of surprise and pleasure. He swung from his horse hat in hand and advanced, bowing. Anita flushed and gazed at the ground. "'Mornin', Señorita! I sure am jest hoppin' glad to see you ag'in. If I'd 'a' knowed you was here . . . But I come on business important. Reckon you're visitin' friends, eh?" "Si, Señor!" "Do you come here reg'lar?"

Our host, as usual when a new American is present, wanted to know if I had any fresh American stories, and I told with some exaggeration and embroidery the story of the Reading cattle show. Dear old Hoppin was considerably embarrassed at the chafing he received, but took it in good part, and thereafter the embassy was entirely at my service. Mr. Edward J. Phelps was an extraordinary success.

"Git on wi' it, ye stammerin' stirk!" cried M'Adam. "Why?" "Becos Owd Bob'll not rin." Tammas sat back in his chair. "What!" screamed the little man, thrusting forward. "What's that!" yelled Long Kirby, leaping to his feet. "Mon, say it agin!" shouted Rob. "What's owd addled eggs tellin'?" cried Liz Burton. "Dang his 'ead for him!" shouts Tupper. "Fill his eye!" says Ned Hoppin.

"Soon as de young missus be gone, I go an' kick ovah her playhouse an' upset her toys. When she come back, she be hoppin' mad, an staht beatin' me. "'Jessie, her ma'd say, 'you'll kill Buddy, beatin' him dat way. "'I don't care, she say, 'I'll beat him to death, an' git me a bettah one. "I'd roll on de flo' an' holler loud, an' preten' she hurt me pow'ful bad.

A storekeeper hain't no business on it, nohow 'twould starve him out; so Uncle Zack don't keep it. And his unpleasant little eyes twinkled again at the idea of such unwonted connection as his father and a conscience. 'That Indjin war hoppin' mad, I can tell you; for they be the greatest brutes at gettin' drunk in the univarsal world. They'll do 'most anythin' for whisky.

That the owner of the mill in which Mr. Stephens was employed, as he was not making good flour, engaged me at a large cost to introduce into his mills the alterations by which only, both Mr. Hoppin and myself agree, could any material improvement in the milling of that period be effected, .viz., smooth, true, and well-balanced stones. For breachy animals do not use barbed fences.

Hoppin says to you, 'Who made you? you must answer, 'God, who made everything on earth and in heaven' you understand?" "Yes, ma'am," and repeated the phrase until aunty thought him ripe to appear at Sunday-school, which he did on the following Sunday. You may imagine aunty's consternation when Dr.