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Updated: August 13, 2024

"Your husband's been fidgeting me, an' I never can stand any one but the doctor about at these times, so I bundled him off down to stay with Jake, and gave him strict instructions not to poke his nose back here till he's sent for." What diplomat could have made it more kindly tactful than that? "Quite right too," said the doctor, upholding her.

Nellie having come to school with the fixed determination to make the most of her time, prepared to listen to the master's instructions with all due attention; but Winnie's incessant fidgeting and yawning baffled every attempt, and the ludicrous answers, given with tantalizing readiness, almost upset her gravity, despite Mr. King's unconcealed vexation.

There was silence in the study now as the lad modestly seated himself in a chair which the pastor had pointed out. After fidgeting a few moments, he addressed the logician with a stupefying premise: "My great-grandfather," he said, "once built a church simply to God, not to any man's opinions of Him." He broke off abruptly. "So did Voltaire," remarked the pastor dryly, coming to the rescue.

The new curé had been fidgeting impatiently during this speech, and his face had turned very red. "I shall soon have all that changed," he said, abruptly, as soon as the other priest had finished speaking; and he looked like an angry child in his worn but spotless cassock, so thin and small was he. The Abbé Picot looked at him sideways, as he always did when anything amused him.

Then she made haste to change his smock and to wash his face and hands and brush his hair, and all the time she was doing it Lionel kept wriggling and fidgeting and saying, "Oh, don't, Nurse," and, "I'm sure my ears are quite clean," or, "Never mind my hair, it's all right," and, "That'll do." "You're going on as if you was going to be an eel instead of a King," said Nurse.

Give him a guinea, and no more. Well, Miss Lyddy, I reckon, believed what he told her, and she's not overfond o' parting with the money herself she's not a bad woman at bottom, but she's been brought up under his thumb; so she began fidgeting with her purse, and turned as red as her ribbon. But I made a bow, and said, 'No, thank you, madam; I'll make you a present o' the screen, if you please.

I had left a sick child at home, with a high temperature, and was fidgeting to get back to him. "What is the matter? Fever? throat? Aconite, of course! You're a homeopath, aren't you? All sensible people are. Look here I've got a servant with me. I'll send him with some aconite at once. Where do you live? in the Parks? All right. Give me your address." Out came an envelope and a pencil.

At this note of warning, like the minute-roll among the troops, every one fell into his place; half-munched apples were thrust into the first pocket popguns disappeared battles were left to be decided elsewhere books were opened, and eyes directed to them forms that were fidgeting and twisting in all directions, now took one regimental inclined position over the desk silence was restored, order resumed her reign, and Mr Knapps, the usher, who always availed himself of these interregnums, as well as the scholars, by deserting to the matron's room, warned by the well-known sound, hastened to the desk of toil; such were the astonishing effects of a blow from Dominie Dobiensis' sonorous and peace-restoring nose.

Francisco waited half an hour longer, fidgeting about the office. Then he decided that Robert had gone for the day and went out. At the corner of Powell street he bumped rather unceremoniously into a tall figure, top-hatted, long-coated, carrying a stick. "I beg your pardon," he apologized. "Oh why it's Mr. Pickering." "Where are you bound so impetuously?" "Home," smiled Stanley.

And the two, as though hypnotised, followed. A fair-sized room, with a piano in one corner and groups of fidgeting jackies in every other corner. Moran and Tyler sighed with relief at sight of them. At least they were not to be alone in their agony. Miss Hall wasted no time. Slim ankles close together, head held high, she stood in the centre of the room. "Now then, form a circle please!"

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