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And his eyes would waver and fall upon his wrists. Mr. Trimm had a feeling that the skin must be stretched very tight on his jawbones and his forehead. "Isn't there some way to hide these these things?" He began by blurting and ended by faltering it. His hands shuffled together, one over, then under the other. "Here's a way," said Meyers. "This'll help."

Fate is too hard for the best of us sometimes. Charlie sat down and, stretching out his legs, stared gloomily at his toes. Thus he must have sat nearly ten minutes, when a head was put round the Corinthian pilaster of the doorway. "Poor boy! Am I very late?" Charlie leapt up and forward, breathlessly blurting out joy tempered by uneasiness. Agatha gathered the difficulty of the position.

And if the cunning which calculates on the meanest feelings in men could be, called intellect, he had his share, for under the blurting rallying tone with which he spoke to Bulstrode, there was an evident selection of statements, as if they had been so many moves at chess. Meanwhile Bulstrode had determined on his move, and he said, with gathered resolution "You will do well to reflect, Mr.

'They're heavy, them things, said the boy, desperately blurting it out, and pointing, with heaving chest and panting breath, to the rod and basket. 'I am going that way, I can leave un at the rectory. Robert's eyes gleamed. 'They are no weight, Ned 'cause why? I've been lazy and caught no fish!

Fiske, as she prepared to obey; while Sally, seeing that her public exhibition of sorrow and sympathy could be indulged but an instant longer, unwound herself for a violent paroxysm, blurting between stops: 'If he'd ony've gone to his last bed comfortable! . . . If he'd ony 've been that decent as not for to go to his last bed with his clothes on! . . . If he'd ony've had a comfortable sheet! . . . It makes a woman feel cold to think of him full dressed there, as if he was goin' to be a soldier on the Day o' Judgement!

On the morning after the latter of those two sermons, Frederick, as they sat at breakfast, succeeded, with no small effort, for he feared his mother, in blurting out to his father the request that he might be taken into the counting house; and when indignantly requested, over the top of the teapot, to explain himself, declared that he found it impossible to give his mind to a course of education which could only end in the disappointment of his parents, seeing he was at length satisfied that he had no call to the ministry.

He knew it was feeble of him, but he was powerfully impelled to relieve himself by confiding his wretchedness to Steve. He need not say much, he told himself plausibly only just enough to lighten the burden a little. He would not be disloyal to Ruth he had not sunk to that but, after all Steve was Steve. It was not like blurting out his troubles to a stranger.

So when Joyce asked again, "What's the matter, Jules?" with so much anxious sympathy in her face and voice, the child found himself blurting out the truth. "Brossard beat me again last night," he exclaimed. Then, in response to her indignant exclamation, he poured out the whole story of his ill-treatment.

He was no doubt a rackety, irresponsible young fellow according to old standards, yet somehow likeable, with his extraordinarily cheerful way of blurting out his opinions. "Come in," he said; "have you had tea?" Mont came in. "I thought Fleur would have been back, sir; but I'm glad she isn't. The fact is, I I'm fearfully gone on her; so fearfully gone that I thought you'd better know.

Undoubtedly there were girls who would jump at the chance to marry the principal owner of a mine like the He stopped with a gasp. Great Scott! she mustn't hear the name of that mine! At least, not unless things turned out as they never could turn out. He groaned. He would have to watch himself every minute when he was with her or he would be blurting it out!