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I'm leaving Ramsey for good don't intend to practise in the northern courts any longer settling in Douglas best work lies there, you see worst of it is we shan't meet again soon not very soon, you know not for years, perhaps " He began by stammering, and went on stuttering, blurting out his words, and trembling at the sound of his own voice. "Philip, you must not go!" she cried.

But, above all, there was the risk of one or other of those friends coming up and blurting all out, taking for granted that the doctor must be in their confidence, or why bring him. At last, at half-past eleven o'clock, to their great relief, up came the diligence.

These precautions against cold having been taken, Mrs. Elliot most kindly volunteered to show the young people over the house. It was a funny little procession: the elderly lady with her cane; Lenox, in his khaki, still blurting out apologies; and Diana trailing the pink kimono, which was much too long, and shuffling in bronze-beaded shoes that were two sizes too large.

"The world's beautifully changed, anyhow, since I began it, O'Malley, when you thanked a man civilly that asked you to fight him! The Devil take the cowards, say I." "What has happened? Tell me, I beseech you?" "He won't fight," said the major, blurting out the words as if they would choke him. "He'll not fight! And why?" The major was silent. He seemed confused and embarrassed.

Unless a man is infatuated as I but no matter. A man that keeps his sense welcomes truthfulness a high delicate sense of honor above all things in a woman, for it gives him a sense of security and rest. By truthfulness I do not mean the indiscreet blurting out of things that good taste would leave unsaid, but clear-eyed integrity that hides no guile.

And the consequence is that instead of being a mass of individuals, each one fearlessly blurting out his own conviction, as a nation compared to other nations we are a mass of cowards. More than any other people we are afraid of each other." Evidently we have not advanced very far from the condition that confronted Wendell Phillips.

I will give you my whole history. I see that my young friend here is a most capable secret service agent." "We're only small boys we belong to the infantry," I said, for I just couldn't help blurting it out. Well, we all went inside and I could see that the Commissioner and the detectives kept very near the old gentleman as if they didn't have much use for his laughing and his pleasant talk.

"You have been giving her some bad counsel, Zikali," I said, blurting out the thought in my mind. "Perhaps, perhaps, Macumazahn; only I may call it good counsel. I have my own road to walk, and if I can find some to clear away the thorns that would prick my feet, what of it? Also she will get her pay, who finds life dull up there among the Amasomi, with one she hates for a hut-fellow.

I wonder what about! He doesn't generally care to be with you as much as with us; but he said it as if he meant it he really did. I can't imagine what he wants!" said Agatha the tactless, blurting out her thoughts as usual, and beaming round the company, unconscious of the consternation which her words had caused. Maud flushed crimson.

For a moment he was near to blurting out his whole story; then he took shame for letting a girl's face so run away with him.