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But the man in the shirt had partly recovered his power of speech, and was now blurting out jerky, half intelligible sentences: "'I have been robbed robbed I that is my master Mr. Knopf. The desk is open the diamonds gone all in my charge and now they are stolen!

The blunt little speech was very characteristic of Tom and it was greeted with a storm of applause. He had a way of blurting out his plans and ideas without giving any previous hint of them, but this was something of a knockout blow. "Oh, you hit it right!" shouted Pee-wee. "Gee, I do hate railroad trains railroad trains and homework."

"I 've well, I 've been down in the Pit," Joe succeeded in blurting out. "I must confess that you look like it very much like it indeed." Mr. Bronson spoke severely, but if ever by great effort he conquered a smile, that was the time. "I presume," he went on, "that you do not refer to the abiding-place of sinners, but rather to some definite locality in San Francisco. Am I right?"

"If I had kept the old woman in suspense, instead of blurting out the truth, I might have learned the real object of her visit; for she had an object. But what was it?" The doctor spent the two hours that remained to him before making his second visit in trying to discover it.

He pledged himself to pay the sum of two thousand five hundred dollars from his own pocket, and Vaniman bitterly realized just why Britt had adopted that pose. Would Wagg be content with the sop of the reward? The man who had been declared dead knew that he must play for time. He ran over various plans in his head. He did not feel like blurting out the truth to Mr.

This failing was increased, rather than diminished, by the company which he now kept. Amongst the young students who frequented Mr. 's, the bookseller, was Mr. Thomas , who, from his habit of blurting out strange opinions in conversation, acquired the name of Tom Random.

Dixon ran over in his mind many contorted ways of breaking the news to Allis, and finished up by blurting out: "The mare's coughin' this mornin', Miss; I hope it ain't nothin', but I'm afraid she's in for a sick spell." Coming to the course, the girl had allowed rosy hope to tint the gray gloom of the many defeats until she had worked herself into a happy mood.

"Ran to Holland, and there continued blurting more at large, decidedly stupid for most part, thinks Voltaire, 'but with glorious Passages, worth your Majesty's attention; upon which, D'Alembert too helping, poor De Prades was invited to the Readership, vacant by La Mettrie's eagle-pie; and came gladly, and stayed.

There was no doubt the language was deteriorating, becoming euphonistic; everybody was a euphonist except Owen, who talked of his belly openly, blurting out that he had vomited when he should have said he had been sick.

Apaches! He gave orders to commence preparations for moving at the first dawn. He expected and feared that Clara would oppose the advance in some trying way. But one of the fugitives relieved him by blurting out the death of Thurstane, and sending her into spasms of alternate hysterics and fainting which lasted for hours. Lying in a wagon, her head in the lap of Mrs.