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Updated: December 31, 2024
"And Mabel why don't you ask about her? Oh, Lord Ernest, we've done it we've done it thanks to Antoun Effendi! We should have failed at the last if it hadn't been for him. Just look over there, at the Bronsons, and see if you can guess who it is they're talking to?" I looked and saw tall, thin Mr. Bronson, and short, plump Mrs.
Agnes M. Jenks of New Hampshire; Miss Mabel Foster of Washington, D. C.; Mrs. Rastall, Mrs. Charles Van Patten, Mrs. Parmelee, Senators Darling, Jose, and the Rev. Clifford Smith, superintendent of the State Anti-Saloon League. Those speaking in opposition were: Mrs. E. D. Brooks Brown, who presented an "anti" petition; Miss Minnie Bronson, secretary of the National Anti-Suffrage Association; Mrs.
When the applause was subsiding, Susan saw Parker Pillsbury and Bronson Alcott, fellow-lecturers on the Lyceum circuit, coming toward her, smiling approval. They were generous in their praise, Bronson Alcott declaring, "You have stated here this afternoon, in a fearless manner, truths that I have hardly dared to think, much less to utter." She repeated this lecture in St.
But he spoke before he came out. "'You're acting like a maniac, he said. 'You know I can get those things some way; I'm not going to threaten you. It isn't necessary. You know me. "'It would be no use, the other man said. 'I tell you, I haven't seen the notes for ten days. "'But you will, Bronson said savagely. 'You're standing in your own way, that's all.
Our young cub of a doctor, silver buttoned velveteen coat off, sleeves rolled up, hailed us cheerily, "That bullet went where it could get the most blood for the least harm, I'd say. Have her all right in a jiffy. At that, if it had been a little further to one side " And I knew that Edward Clayte's bullet Bronson Vandeman's had narrowly missed Barbara's heart.
"I'm sure, however, that if they are only after slugs and worms which are drawn to the corn hills by the commercial fertilizer, the moles do fully as much damage as the slugs would. "You see, they make a cavity under the corn hill, and the roots of the plant wither. Excuse me, but I'd rather have Mr. Mole in somebody else's garden." Mr. Bronson laughed.
On they sped, the hull rising from the water and hurling itself along the crest of the waves, tossing them to the sides in great clouds of whirling, blinding spray. Could it be possible that the propeller was still in the water? Suddenly he felt the Richard collapse and drop sullenly into the sea. The "machine-guns" had ceased firing and Bronson was regarding him with a smile.
"Well, you son of a gun!" ejaculated the doctor, in delight. Then he called down the stairs. "Mel, come up here quick." Then came a low cry and a flying patter of light feet. Mel ran past the doctor into the room. To Lane she seemed to have grown along with the enchantments his old memories had invoked. With parted lips, eager-eyed, she flashed a look from Lane to Doctor Bronson and back again.
He knocked several times and got no answer. Then he opened the door and saw Mr. Telfik down, all in a heap." "Where is Bronson?" "At the hospital, unconscious." "What from?" "Shock, the doctors say." "What er about the er shot?" The manager looked startled. "Well, Bronson says that just as he opened the door he saw a bullet cross the room and strike the wall above the body."
Johnson being otherwise occupied, I had asked for Arnold myself. I nodded. "Well, he stopped me at once; said he'd been on the fellow's tracks since early morning and had had no time for luncheon. Bronson, it seems, isn't eating much these days. I at once jotted down the fact, because it argued that he was being bothered by the man with the notes." "It might point to other things," I suggested.
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