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"That's right," nodded Roger. "What made you say the things you did to Astro before he went for his manual?" "Very simple. I wanted to make him pass and that was the only way." "You're pretty sure of yourself, Roger." "I'm always sure of myself, Corbett. And the sooner you learn that, the easier it'll be for all of us. I never bet unless it's in the bag. I know Astro's going to pass.

"We've lost enough time as it is." "No, no please!" moaned the cabman. "Lemme go! Take the cab. Drive it to the spaceport and just leave it, but please don't turn me over to the Solar Guard. If I'm seen with them, I'll be " Suddenly the man darted to one side, eluded Astro's lunge, and scampered away. In a moment he was swallowed up in the darkness.

Astro sighed gently, stretched out his long legs and closed his eyes blissfully for a few moments. "Don't wake me till we get started," he said. "We already have," returned Tom. "Take a look." Astro's eyes popped open. He glanced through the clear crystal glass at the rapidly moving landscape. "These express jobs move on supercushioned ball bearings," explained Tom.

Aboard the Polaris, Astro and Roger shouted with joy and Strong could not repress a grin. The tiny figure on the scanner was hurtling straight for the side of the Polaris! As the image grew larger and larger, anxious eyes swiveled back and forth from the scanner screen to the steady sweeping hand of the chronometer. Roger bit his lip nervously, and Astro's hands trembled.

Dials, gauges, meters, were arrayed in seemingly endless rows but each one of them actually played its part in keeping the station in balance. Astro's face was one big, delighted grin. "Well," said Roger with a sly wink at Tom, "you can't tell me that Connel has made our Venusian unhappy. Even if he had given us liberty, I'll bet Astro would have spent it down here with the grease monkeys!"

"We can either pile out now, in space suits and use the jet boat, and hope for someone to pick us up before the oxygen gives out, or we can ride this space wagon right on in. Make up your minds quick, we're already inside Mars's gravity pull!" There was a pause, then Astro's voice filled the control deck. "I'll ride this baby right to the bottom.

"Friend of Astro's, Roy," said Agnes. "Cadet Manning, I'd like you to meet my brother, Roy Keene." Roger jumped up and stuck out his hand. "Oh er ah how do you do, sir?" "Quite well, Cadet," replied Keene gruffly, but with a slight twinkle in his eye. He turned to Astro and gripped the big cadet's hand solidly. "Well, Astro, it's good to see you. How's everything going at Space Academy?"

He understood it and started to answer, but then, on second thought, he decided not to reveal his knowledge of the language. The leader turned back to Astro and asked a question. Astro shook his head and said, "If you're talking to me, you have to speak English. I know that's the Venusian dialect you're speaking, but I never learned it." The leader's fist shot out and crashed against Astro's jaw.

"They're not playing this game! I am!" "And we are too!" Astro's voice was a low rumble as he came up behind Manning. "If you don't give us a chance, so help me, I'll use your head for a ball!" "If you're so interested in scoring, why don't you go after the ball yourselves then?" said Roger. "Because we're too busy trying to be a team!" snapped Tom. "We're trying to clear shots for you!"

Slowly he eased one arm from beneath Astro's heavy body and shifted his legs into a more comfortable position. Though the Venusian's weight still pressed him down in the seat, the muscular cramps were relieved. He began to pay attention to what Vidac and Bush were saying in the front seat of the car. "We'll blast off as soon as we reach the spaceport," said Vidac, "and get up to the asteroid."