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How long have they been in the jungle?" "About four and a half days now." "Hope they get themselves a tyranno. But at the same time" Connel couldn't help chuckling "if they do, Space Academy will never hear the end of it!" Suddenly the hot wilting silence around the house was shattered by a thunderous roar. Connel jumped up, followed Sinclair to the window, and stared out over the clearing.

Tom's warning call from the Polaris control deck, tuned to the open communicators of all the jet boats, broke through the loud-speaker. "Attention! Attention! Corbett to Connel. One hour and twenty minutes to blast-off time. One hour and twenty minutes to blast-off time." The two cadets looked at each other as they heard Tom's voice, but neither spoke.

Tom looked at the gaunt man fearfully. There was something in his voice that sent a chill down his spine. "They are driven like cattle into the canyon walls," continued Carson. "There they are forced to dig the huge underground vaults for storage dumps. They are beaten and whipped and starved." "Why aren't you in the caves then?" asked Connel. "Some of us were," replied Carson.

"Roger, the name is Hemmingwell," hissed Tom. "Oh, yeah, sure," nodded Roger, and then turned to Astro. "Is Barret still locked up?" "Yeah," replied the Venusian. "And I hid the key, so Connel can't get to him until he cools off." "The major is coming around," said Tom. As they watched, Connel stirred, coughed several times, and then opened his eyes.

"Shinny here!" came the reply. "We're just finishing up the last unit. Should be back in five minutes." "Make it snappy!" said Connel. "Less than a half hour left!" "We'll make it," snorted Shinny. "Coming in for a touchdown," said Tom. "Better strap in, sir!" Connel nodded. He laced several straps across his lap and chest, gripping the sides of the seat.

'I am very sorry for you, Ulick, said Albinia, 'and I hate to advise you to be selfish, but it really is quite impossible for you to be paymaster for all your brothers' debts. 'If it were Connel, I know it would be of no use, said Ulick. 'But Bryan you see he has got a start they gave him a commission, and he is the finest fellow of us all, and knows what his word is, and keeps it!

"If you think the companies won't object to having cadets monitor their race for them." "They won't have anything to say about it," replied Walters. "I'd trust those cadets under any circumstances. And the race won't mean a thing unless we can find the source of trouble on Titan. There won't be any crystal to haul." "Fine," grunted Connel. He rose, nodded, and left the room.

"That would mean," asked Roger, "that we'd be here when the reactor units go off, wouldn't it, sir?" "That's right, Manning," said Connel, admitting to the danger. "Even if Junior were blasted out of the pull of the sun, we couldn't survive the explosions." "Couldn't we blast off in the jet boat and then land after the explosions, sir?" asked Astro. "Yes," admitted Connel, "we could do that.

Commander Walters sat in his office, high up in the Tower of Galileo, with department heads from the Academy and Solar Guard. Behind him, an entire wall made of clear crystal offered a breath-taking view of the Academy grounds. Before him, their faces showing their concern over a report Walters had just read, Captain Strong, Major Connel, Dr.

There was never a breed of men who were drawn so close together in their love of work as the spacemen and there was no need for further explanation. When they had climbed out of the Polaris and stepped on the landing ramp at Marsport, Connel and Tom saw that the ground crews were already checking over the afterburners and exhaust tubes of the ship.