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Updated: August 4, 2024

'Noa; niver seed un since dinner. 'They went down to Clough End, two o'clock about, for t' bread, an I've yerd nothin ov em since. Coom in to your tay, Reuben! I'll keep nothin waitin for them! They may goo empty if they conno keep time! Reuben went in. An hour later the husband and wife came out together, and stood looking down the steep road leading to the town.

She bore him after the minister, and sat down with him on her own stool, beside her father, who looked up, with his hands and knees in skilful consort of labour. "Weel, minister, hoo are ye the day? Is the yerd ony lichter upo' the tap o' ye?" he said, with a smile that was almost pauky. "I do not understand you, Mr. MacLear!" answered James with dignity. "Na, ye canna!

I done tole Henny 'bout you an' de tar'pins an' de times de gemmen had. Dis way, Major; won't take a minute, an' ef ye all go back to-night, an' I yerd Mister Englishman say he got to go, you mightn't hab anudder chance. Henny's cookin', ye know. Dis way. Step underdat honeysuckle!"

The governor brewed his ain ale; it seems it was the warst conceivable. The rock was proveesioned frae the shore with vivers, the thing was ill-guided, and there were whiles when they büt to fish and shoot solans for their diet. To crown a', thir was the Days of the Persecution. The perishin' cauld chalmers were a' occupeed wi' sants and martyrs, the saut of the yerd, of which it wasna worthy.

George, do not wish to be a sailor: remember Frederic Hamilton. The next islands we come in sight of are Cape Yerd Islands near Africa. They were discovered in 1446 by the Portuguese, their present proprietors; they are remarkably fertile. St. Jago is the largest, and is the residence of the Portuguese viceroy." CHARLES. "May we now steer north, and call at the Azores or Western Isles?

There cam a bang and then ae waefu' skirl frae the Bass. And there were we, rubbin' our een and lookin' at ither like daft folk. For wi' the bang and the skirl the thing had clean disappeared. The sun glintit, the wund blew, and there was the bare yerd whaur the Wonder had been lowping and flinging but ae second syne. The hale way hame I roared and grat wi' the terror of that dispensation.

He's got de passbook, but I ain't yerd him say nuffin' yit 'bout payin' him. I been spectin' Miss Nancy up here, an' de colonel says she's comin' putty soon. She'll fix 'em; but dey ain't no time to waste." While he spoke there came a loud knock at the door, and Chad returned trembling with fear, his face the very picture of despair. "Dat's de tall man hisself, sah, an' his dander's up.

But what the devil, Major, does he want with a doctor? Chad!" "Yes, sah!" "Was the colonel sick this morning?" "No, sah. Eat two b'iled eggs, and a dish ob ham half as big as yo' han'. He wa'n't sick, 'cause I yerd him singin' to hisself all fru de tunnel cl'ar out to de street." We sat down and looked at each other. Could anybody else be sick?

'And what abaat his spots, Abram? 'Why, he's weshed 'em all aat in th' Green Fowd Lodge wi' savin' Oliver o' Deaf Martha's little un. Enoch whistled the first bar or two of an old tune, and stood silent in thought, and then exclaimed: 'Well, aw'v yerd o' th' seven wonders, but if what thaa sez is true, it mak's th' eighth. 'Yi, owd mon, but there's a bigger wonder nor that.

"Aye," said Skedlock; "but aw've noan done yet, Nanny." "What, were'n they noan gradely sorted, then, at after o'?" "Well," said Skedlock, "I'll tell yo. "As I've yerd th' tale, this new organ wur tried for th' first time at mornin' sarvice, th' next day.

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