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So she knew right well what ailed him, and she said iverythin' she could think of how it's disthroyed we'd be on'y for him now I was laid up, and the won'erful man he was, and this way and that way. But niver a word he heeded, nor near the fire he wouldn't come, and had her heart-scalded seein' him sittin' there in the draught of the door.

But Tim shrank away from the shadow of responsibility, protesting, "Och, not at all, not at all. I wasn't as much as sayin' anythin'." The old man tossed up his chin disgustedly, and meditated gloomily during a brief pause. "There's no denyin'," he said then, "that poor Mr. Polymathers had a won'erful great opinion of himself over there."

The house-servant may be more liked and trusted than the out-door servant; but we think, at sea, it is more honourable to be a foremast-hand than to be in the cabin, unless as an officer. I was a foremast Jack some time, myself; and Neb is only in such a berth as his master once filled." "Dat a great deal quite won'erful, sah berry great deal, and more dan Chloe can say, or I can wish her to say.

In mind both Tom 'n' me's pretty bad. I s'pose we couldn't 'a 'spected to stay here in peace forever; but the blow's come suddin-like, an' it hurts us." "Where is Tom?" "In the barn, lookin' over all the won'erful things the rich nabob has sent here. He says most things has strips o' wood nailed over 'em; but some hasn't; an' Tom looks 'em over keerful an' then tells me 'bout 'em.

Even from Felix's first report it appeared that the stranger was no ordinary person. "Won'erful fine discoorse he has out of him, anyway," he told the neighbours a few nights after the arrival; "ivery now and agin he'll out wid a word as grand like and big as his Riverence at Mass goodness forgive me for sayin' so. Sometimes we've been hardset to tell what he's drivin' at.

Den, most want to use tomahawk on his enemy. Den, most feel dat he hate him. But not so wid medicine-priest. Pray for Injin; ask Great Spirit to do him all 'e good he can; juss as Injin was goin' to strike. Won'erful most won'erful DAT, in my eyes. Blossom, you know Peter. He your fader. He take you, and make you his da'ghter. His heart is soft to you, Blossom.

I'll bet there ain't no gal in your school knows more nor that little un does. Won'erful, the way she walks ahead!" "Get the school readers, hey! and teach her yourself do you?" queried Captain Nazro. "No, sir!" replied the old man; "I don't have no school readers.

I'm the fellah that tole one day The tale of the won'erful one-hoss-shay. Wan' to hear another? Say. Funny, wasn'it? Made me laugh, I'm too modest, I am, by half, Made me laugh 's though I sh'd split, Cahn' a fellah like fellah's own wit? Fellahs keep sayin', "Well, now that's nice; Did it once, but cahn' do it twice." Don' you b'lieve the'z no more fat; Lots in the kitch'n 'z good 'z that.

He's gone to take another look at a won'erful new cook-stove, so's he kin describe it to me right pertickler." "Is he worried, Nora?" "We's both worried, Ethel. Our time's come, an' no mistake. Peggy McNutt says as he had real orders to turn Hucks out if he was a married man; an' there's no disclaimin' he's married, is there? Peggy's a kind man, an' tol' us to keep stayin' 'til the nabobs arrove.

"If Shif'less Sol promised to be here he'll keep his word," he said, "and Silent Tom will come without making any promises." "You do talk won'erful well sometimes, Paul," said Long Jim, "an' I reckon you've put the facts jest right. I ain't goin' to be troubled in my mind a-tall, a-tall 'bout them fellers. They'll be here.