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'Most people change develope in those years just before twenty. 'Not like you did, miss. You gave me a deal of trouble when you was little, but it nearly broke my heart to come back and find you so quieted down and wise-like. A flash of tears glimmered in the mistress's eyes, though her lips were smiling.

He couldna veesit his folk at a wise-like hour in the evening because he was gaun to hev his denner, and he couldna get oot late because his leddy-wife wanted him to be at hame efter denner. There's mony a thing to cause a minister to stumble, for they're juist human beings after a', but his rich mairrage was John Allison's undoing." "Marriage," sighed Mawson, "is a great risk.

"I hear their voices in the field beyond," said her aunt. "But you havena told me what ails you. Indeed, there's no need. I know very well. It would have been more wise-like to have kept your sisters at home than to fret so unreasonably for them now they are away." Effie made no answer. "What's to happen to them more than to twenty others that have gone from these parts?

"It becomes Ignorance to haud its tongue in the presence o' Knowledge, nae doot an' I confess to bein' as ignorant as a bairn o' the art o' war; but common sense seems to say that haverin' aboot theology on the eve o' a fecht is no sae wise-like as disposin' yer men to advantage. The very craws might be ashamed o' sic a noise!"

Ye cudna get a glimp o' her ower the edge o' the snaw i' the cuttin' doon to the yett. Hoo her fowk cud lat her oot! She's a puir wee white-faced elf o' a crater, but she's byous auld-farrand and wise-like, and naething will do but she maun see yersel', mem." "Bring her up, Mary. Poor little thing! What can she want?" Presently Isie entered the room, looking timidly about her.

"You see," continued the sergeant, "one never knows what may be the result of a bad wound in a climate like this, and if it pleases my Father in heaven to call me home, I should like the few trifles I possess to go in the right direction." "That's a wise-like sentiment," returned his friend, with an approving nod and thoughtful frown.

"Hoot! mon; that was na wise-like. But after a' ye're ony a bairn. Here, Tam, ye'd better gang up by the Stank burn an' keep a look-oot ower the hills, an' I'll start him." Thus advised, the second constable diverged to the right, and, plunging into the copsewood, was instantly out of sight. Soon afterwards, Willie came to the place where he had met the gypsy.

Onny Passon he be a rare good man, and he do speak to the 'art of ye so wise-like and quiet, and that's why I goes to hear him and sez the prayers wot's writ for me to say and doos as he asks me to do. But if I'd been unfort'nit enough to live in the parish of Badsworth under that old liar Leveson, I'd a put my fist in his jelly face 'fore I'd a listened to a word he had to say!

But "Brindle and Spottie were wise-like beasts, with mair sense and discretion than some folk that she could name," and many a child in Merleville got less care than she bestowed on them.

But she was too cunning to ask a leading question. "Ay, she's his lady-love," she said, controlling herself, "but I forget her name. It was a very wise-like thing o' you to speir the woman's name." "But I didna." "You didna!" "He was in the water in a klink."