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They bust out a-laughing, and cries one: 'If you please, sir, 'tis meant for you! 'Tis the fifth of November, and we'm goin' to burn you in effigy. I chased 'em out of the shop, and later on in the day I spoke to John Sprott about it.

But there, I'm wasting time; for to be sure you've most of ye got kith and kin in the place where we'm going, and 'll be wanting to send 'em a word by us." It was less than an hour before Farmer Lear pulled up to the door in his red-wheeled spring-cart. "Now, friends," said Mrs. Trueman, as her ears caught the rattle of the wheels, "I must trouble ye to step outside while I tidy up the floor."

"Any luck?" said Moorshed politely. "Not till we met yeou," was the answer. "The Lard he saved us from they big ships to be spitted by the little wan. Where be'e gwine tu with our fine new bobstay?" "Yah! You've had time to splice it by now," said Pyecroft with contempt. "Aie; but we'm all crushed to port like aigs. You was runnin' twenty-seven knots, us reckoned it. Didn't us, Albert?"

An' 'twont be for long, 'cause the man'll come for her mighty soon seemin'ly. Can 'e faace it, the Lard helpin'? Poor Joan's bin kicked out the house by her faither. I do not like en never did. What do 'e say? She doan't count it no sin, mind you, an' doan't look for no reprovin', 'cause the gen'leman have taught her terrible coorious ideas; but 'tis just this: we'm all sinners, eh, Polly?

'Jack, said Hazel, 'she'm got the best right to be at Undern. Leave her stay! She'm a right nice 'ooman. Reddin gasped. Why would Hazel always do and say exactly the opposite to what he expected? 'But you're the last person he began. 'You're thinking she'd ought to be jealous of me, Jack Reddin, said Sally. 'But we'm neither of us jealous! I tell you straight! She's too good for you.

'tis nothin' to be obliged for," interrupted Triggs, thinking it was Reuben's modesty made him hesitate. "We'm a hand short, so anywise there's a berth empty; and as for the vittals, they allays cooks a sight more than us can get the rids of. So I'm only offerin' 'ee what us can't ate ourselves."

"Dammy!" said Arthur, "we'm going it, Mary. Us had better draw in a thought, or our little games will end in earnest." "Not on my side," I said, and that vexed him I believe, for a man's a man. However, I reminded him of his first, and that always daunted his spirit, so he soon went off with his tail between his legs.

Up sprang Tressady to stare away across Deliverance whence this dreadful cry had come, and I saw his hook tap-tapping at his great chin; then beyond these shining sands was the thunderous roar of a great gun, a furious rattle of small-arms that echoed and re-echoed near and far, and thereafter single shots in rapid succession. Hereupon rose shouts and cries of dismay: "Lord love us we'm beset!

"Lord, what furious fuss she'll make when she finds out we'm married. Not as I shall care if you don't, dear. Why, Peregrine yonder's Wyvelstoke Towers!" "Yes," said I, "it is there we are going." "But why what for?" "Dear, have patience just a little longer," I pleaded. At this she was silent, but her hand tightened on my arm, and I was aware of the sudden trouble in her eyes.

The wind's failed 'em and they lie helpless " "And that's gospel true, Cap'n. Aye, aye, we'm wi' you! Gi'e us the word, Cap'n!" quoth divers voices in fierce answer. "O sink me!" groaned Mings, "here lies poor Abnegation shattered alow and aloft O burn me, here's luck! But you'll take me along, Roger?