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So limping thus beside the Tinker, the Earl of Wyvelstoke led us along beside the brook until we presently reached a grassy ride.

Have you any recollection of this man, Perry; his looks, air, voice could you describe him?" "He was tall, sir, as yourself, or very nearly looked younger than his years a cold, imperturbable man, dark, but of pale complexion, with deep-set eyes that seemed to glow strangely. A man of iron will who fronted Lord Wyvelstoke unflinchingly even after his arm was shot and broken!"

And here I described the incident as fully as possible. "And what was the name Lord Wyvelstoke used?" "Devereux, sir." "Hum!" said my uncle. And thereafter we walked in silence through streets beginning to stir with the busy life of a new day. Reaching my uncle's chambers in St.

"Lord, what furious fuss she'll make when she finds out we'm married. Not as I shall care if you don't, dear. Why, Peregrine yonder's Wyvelstoke Towers!" "Yes," said I, "it is there we are going." "But why what for?" "Dear, have patience just a little longer," I pleaded. At this she was silent, but her hand tightened on my arm, and I was aware of the sudden trouble in her eyes.

"You're just in time for a bit o' liver an' bacon. Bring another plate, Jerry." "But, Ann," said he, hesitating and much at a loss, "p'raps his lordship won't care t' eat off a tin plate an' " "Who?" demanded Diana, turning, with the frying pan in her hand. "His lordship! What, don't ye know this gentleman's the Earl o' Wyvelstoke?"

This letter despatched, I ordered a horse to be saddled; very soon, thanks to Tom Martin's zeal, the animal was at the door and, though the day was far advanced, I mounted forthwith and galloped away for Wyvelstoke Towers.

Here, the footmen having relieved us of our hats and coats, we found the sedate Atkinson as gravely imperturbable as I remembered him two years ago, who acknowledged my greeting with sedate smile and grave obeisance and brought us forthwith to a chamber where I found Lord Wyvelstoke in confabulation with my two uncles.

All at once her sombre look gave place to a smile, her slender hand tightened upon the reins, and glancing up I saw that we had reached a place where four roads met, and here, seated beneath the finger-post was a solitary, shabbily dressed old man absorbed in a book; roused by the sound of our approach, he glanced up and I recognised the ancient person, Lord Wyvelstoke.

Here was Diana herself, yet a Diana glorified even as Lord Wyvelstoke had said, and with a thousand elusive graces beyond my poor description.

Only let me be your friend to cheer your loneliness an' help you now an' then." Lord Wyvelstoke stared at the coin in his palm as if it had been a very rare and curious object, then, having deposited it carefully within an inner pocket, he bared his head in his courtly fashion.