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'I think, he said, addressing them, 'I would go home if I were you if you love her. They looked at his shining eyes and twitching lips, and understood. 'Aye, sir, aye, sir, yo're abeawt reet we'st not trouble her, sir. He carried his boy home, Sandy raining questions in a tumult of excitement.

Yo understan when yor letter came this mornin t'mon browt it up to Louie abeawt eight o'clock she towd me fust out i' th' yard an I said to her, 'Doan't you tell yor aunt nowt abeawt it, an we'st meet at t' station. An I made soom excuse to Hannah abeawt gooin ower t' Scout after soom beeasts an an Louie an me coom thegither. He passed his other hand painfully across his brow.

But how ud yo get it made? He was beginning to feel a childish interest in his scheme. 'Me an Annie Wigson ud mak it oop fast enough. Theer are things I can do for her; she'd not want no payin, an she's fearfu' good at dressmakin. She wor prenticed two years afore she took ill. 'Gie me a kiss then, my gell; doan't yo gie naw trooble, an we'st see. But I mun get a good price, yo know.

But Sarah, the stout cook, who worshipped her, knew well enough that she was growing thin and white. 'If yo doan't draw in yo'll jest do yoursel a mischief, she said to her, angrily. 'Yo're nowt but a midge onyways, and a body 'll soon be able to see through yo. 'I shall be all right, Sarah, Dora would say. 'Aye, we'st aw on us be aw reet in our coffins, returned the irate Sarah.

We'st coom and see yo thank yo kindly, bit we'st do for oursels i' th' sleepin' way. To which Hannah gave a grim and energetic assent. When Louie had been told of their expected arrival she opened her black eyes to their very widest extent. 'Well, you'd better keep Aunt Hannah and me out of each other's way, she remarked. 'I shall let her have it, you'll see.

"Nah, nah," said Jennet, pressing the bird gently to her bosom, "neaw one shan see it efore Alizon." "Cum along then," cried Jem, rather testily, and mending his pace, "or we'st be too late fo' t' round. Whoy yo'n scratted yourself," he added, noticing the red spots on her sleeve. "Han ey?" she rejoined, evasively. "Oh now ey rekilect, it wos Tib did it."

I' th' second, hangin isn't a coomfortable way o' deein. Yo wait till I coom for yo, an when we'st ha got reet away, an can just laugh in her face if she riles us, that'll spite her mich moor nor murderin. The black eyes gleamed uncannily for a moment and the sobbing ceased. But the gleam passed away, and the child sat staring at the moorland distance, seeing nothing.

I'd as soon hear a bird-clapper preach as him theer'd be more sense an less noise! An they're findin it out down theer we'st see th' back on him soon.

"Boh we'st set him free, oly prior," cried Ashbead. "We'n meayed up our moinds to 't. Yo just wait till he cums." "Nay, I command you to desist from the attempt, if any such you meditate," rejoined the prior; "it will avail nothing, and you will only sacrifice your own lives. Our enemies are too strong. The abbot himself would give you like counsel."

Yor Majesty! And 'Lias laid his head on one side and listened. In a few seconds a cunning smile stole over his lips. 'Wal, Davy, yo're in luck. He's noan so onwillin, we'st ha him here in a twinklin. Yo may coe him mony things, but yo conno coe him proud. Noa, as I've fund him, Charles Stuart has no soart o' pride about him. Aye, theer yo are! Sir, your Majesty's obleeged an humble servant!