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As for Louie, during the description of the Queen's dress she had drunk in every word with a greedy attention, her changing eyes fixed on the speaker's face. When he stopped, however, she drew a long breath. 'It's aw lees! she said scornfully. 'Howd your tongue, Louie! cried David, angrily. But 'Lias took no notice. He was talking again very fast, but incoherently.

Meanwhile, in his excitement, he, for the first time, ceased to go to the Dawsons' as usual. To begin with, they dropped out of a mind which was preoccupied with one of the first strong emotions of adolescence. Then, some one told him casually that 'Lias was more ailing than usual, and that Margaret was in much trouble.

Recent and Pliocene Plutonic Rocks, why invisible. Miocene Syenite of the Isle of Skye. Eocene Plutonic Rocks in the Andes. Granite altering Cretaceous Rocks. Granite altering Lias in the Alps and in Skye. Granite of Dartmoor altering Carboniferous Strata. Granite of the Old Red Sandstone Period. Syenite altering Silurian Strata in Norway. Blending of the same with Gneiss.

You see dat spot where we coum to land, Ma'm'selle Landresse where de shingle look white, de leetle green grass above? Dat is where mon onc' 'Lias he bring in de King's ship and de privator. Gatd'en'ale it is a journee awful! He twist to de right, he shape to de left trough de teeth of de rocks all safe vera happee to dis nice leetle bay of de Maitre Ile dey coum.

But Uncle Henry was not Cousin Ann, and though Betsy saw him, as they drove away, conscientiously point out little 'Lias, resplendent and shining, Mr. Pond only nodded absently, as though, he were thinking of something else. Betsy could have cried with disappointment; but she and the other girls, putting their heads together for comfort, told each other that there was time enough yet. Mr.

"I told Pattie Hoover if she would stay at home this morning and clean up some like her Pa wants her to that I'd let my Clara May help her and would bring the baby on up here to get him outen the way. 'Lias come along to get you to look at his puppy's foot, and I want you to see if you don't think the baby have fatted some since I've took holt and helped Pattie with the feeding of him."

"It has been found only in the lias formations of the Jurassic," stated Winkleman dogmatically, "and that type of Jurassic is not here. It is of England, yes; of Germany, yes; of the Americas, yes. Of central Africa, no!" "Nevertheless " interposed Kingozi. "But the cryptoclidus that greatly resembles the cinoliosaurus perhaps. Or even a subspecies of the plesiosaurus " "Simba," called Kingozi.

The late afternoon sunshine of the last of October shone clear and warm upon the fading close-cropped herbage that covered the long slopes. The sheep were gathering by flocks at the folds. The collie, busy and important, was at work with 'Lias rounding up the stragglers.

So it was he that got 'Lias talking about the Pool in the spring! Some one had been 'cankin wi him about things they didn't owt' that she knew 'and she might ha thowt it wor' Davy. For that one day's 'worritin ov him' she had had him on her hands for weeks off his sleep, and off his feed, and like a blighted thing.

"Dear knows, I've celebrated the checkerberries enough already," she said laughing, but 'Lias noticed that her lips were still colorless, "and I think, dearies, that it's no time for us to be celebrating any more to-day when poor Mrs. Googe is in such trouble." "What's up?" said 'Lias.

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