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Updated: August 3, 2024

Dey was a big room he kep' all polished up lak glass. Ever' now an' den he'd th'ow a big party an' 'vite mos' ever'body in Mississippi to come. Dey was fo' Niggers in de quarters what could sing to beat de ban', an' de Judge would git 'em to sing for his party. "I 'member how 'cited I'd git when one o' dem shindigs 'ud come off. I sho' would strut den.

Den don' th'ow no oak leaves on dis niggah, for dey don' grow dyar. Gawd A'moughty, lis'en to de river roarin'! I's hidin' by de river I's hidin' by de river! I's hidin' by de river Jordan!" Deb swayed to and fro, beating her hands in her excitement. "I see a boat a great big boat! It's as big as the Ark! The finders are in it, and the dogs and the guns! Let us pray!

But when two men and one girl get a playin' three handed, then it is serious; then it's desperate. A man has to th'ow his whole heart and mind into it, if he'd whip, and he gets so worked up he thinks his whole happiness to the end of time depends on his drivin' the other fellow to drownin' himself in the mill-dam."

I nevah heard o' nobody dyin' f'm gittin' a beatin'. Some couldn't wuk fer a day or so. Sometimes de whippin' boss th'ow salt brine on dey backs, or smear on turpentine, to mek it well quicker. I don't know, 'zackly, how old I is. Mebbe wait a minute, I didn't show you my pitcher what was in de paper. I cain't read, but somebody say dey put down how old I is undah mah pitcher.

An' 'fo' anybody talk 'bout th'owin' out lettum heah me whilst I sez my say!" Towering until she seemed to increase in stature by inches, she aimed a long and bony finger dead ahead. "Ax dat slinky yaller man up yonder on dat flatfo'm ef he gwine give de order to th'ow me out!" she clarioned in a voice which rose to a compelling shriek.

Tryon, with parted lips and slowly hardening heart, leaned forward from the buggy-seat, gripping the rein so tightly that his nails cut into the opposing palm. Above the clatter of noisy conversation rose the fiddler's voice: "Swing yo' pa'dners; doan be shy, Look yo' lady in de eye! Th'ow yo' ahm aroun' huh wais'; Take yo' time dey ain' no has'e!"

Oh, I knows you backsliders, an' ef any ob you doan come across while Dekin Jones passes de box, I'se gwine ter preach nex' Sunday on what happened ter de money-chasers in de temple. We will now sing two verses ob "Th'ow Out de Lifeline, Anoder Ship Sinkin' To-day." The hobo knocked at the back door and the lady of the house appeared. "Lady," he said, "I was at the front "

"Now, March, sing, 'Thou wert the first, thou aht the layst, an' th'ow yo' whole soul into it like you did last night!" "John," said Champion once, after March had sung this lament, "You're a plumb fraud. If you wa'n't you couldn't sing that thing an' then turn round and sing, 'They laughed, ha-ha! and they quaffed, ha-ha!" "Let's have it!" cried Shotwell.

"Why dat young marster dat's jes' come up f'om Ann'rundel got mo' money den he kin th'ow 'way I yere." "And they are eating their heads off, are they? and he wants to swap his dirty money for my Yes I know. They think they can buy anything with a banknote. And its Floe and Dandy and Sue and Rupert, is it?

You ever tell Miss Minerva stories, Billy?" "Aunt Cindy always say, 't wa'n't no harm 't all to beat 'bout the bush an' try to th'ow folks offer the track 'long as you can, but if it come to the point where you got to tell a out-an'-out fib, she say for me always to tell the truth, an' I jest nachelly do like she say ever sence I's born," replied Billy. The children swung awhile in silence.

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