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Updated: August 17, 2024

"Well the lil' laass isn' breaaking 'er 'eart fer him, t' joodge by the looks of 'er. I naver saw sech a chaange in anybody in a moonth." "'T assn' takken mooch to maake 'er 'appy," said Mrs. Gale. For Essy, who had informed her, was not subtle. But of Ally's happiness there could be no doubt. It lapped her, soaked into her like water and air.

'E's not takken off 'is breeches for tree daas. 'E caaun't sleap; 'e wunna eat and 'e wunna drink. There's work to be doon and 'e wunna lay haand to it. Wull yo goa oop t' 'im, Dr. Rawcliffe?" Rowcliffe went up. In the low lighted room the thing that Gwenda Cartaret had seen lay stretched in the middle of the great bed, covered with a sheet.

It certainly did not seem to come amiss to Robert, who grew quite jovial as he scraped the basin, and commiserated "owd Martin Tyrer, yon," with genuine sympathy. "Poor owd lad! To think of his being laid up just when Club Day cooms! Eh, he will be takken to. Ye mind how he allus got agate o' boastin' about bein' th' owdest member o' th' Club? an' he nobbut seventy!

Aw durnd know; but whether thaa's to climb mony or few thaa'll hev strength gien thee, as aw hev. 'Aw wish God's other room wurnd so far off, Gronny nobbud t'other side o' th' wall instead o' th' story aboon. Durnd yo'? 'Nay, lass; they're safer upstairs. Thaa knows He put's 'em aat o' harm's way. 'But aw somehaa think aw could ha' takken care o' little Job a bit longer.

In a moment Oliver o' Deaf Martha's seized his boy and wrapped him in the bosom of his coat, hugging and kissing him as though he would impart the warmth of his own life to the little fellow. He's noan used to it. He thinks he ought to hev a lickin' or summat. But Oliver continued his caresses. 'Well, Oliver, I've never sin thee takken th' road afore. 'Nowe, lad! I've never lost a chilt afore.

"He didn't know what to turn to after we sowd th' things," said she; "but he's takken to cheer-bottomin', for he doesn't want to lie upo' folk for relief, if he can help it. He doesn't get much above a cheer, or happen two in a week, one week wi' another, an' even then he doesn't olez get paid, for folks ha' not brass. It runs very hard with us, an' I'm nobbut sickly."

There'll be somebody after this i'th mornin'. An' they had some rare fun th' next day, afore they geet these things swapt to their gradely places. However, th' last thing o' Saturday neet th' weshin'-machine wur brought up fro th' clerk's, an' th' organ wur takken to th' chapel." "Well, well," said th' owd woman; "they geet 'em reet at the end of o', then?"

Four or live foak wur takken down ill last neet, Seth, an' th' young mester wur among 'em; an' theer's them as says it's cholera." It seemed as if he had not caught the full meaning of her words; he only stared at her in a startled, bewildered fashion. "Cholera!" he repeated dully. "Theer's them as knows it's cholera," said Janner, with gloomy significance.

He did not see that Captain Billings was on deck; and, eyeing the change in the ship's appearance, exclaimed, angrily, with that Scottish burr of his, which was always more pronounced when he was excited "Hoot, mon, wha' the dickens hae ye takken the sails off her who ordered ye, I'd like ta ken?"

There hev been men searching t' house, and they hev takken away t' varry suit Bingley wore at Ben Craven's trial. Now, will ta go? Here's a shilling, it's a' I hev." Terrified and hurried, he did the worst possible thing for his own case he fled, as Dolly advised, and was almost immediately followed and taken prisoner.

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