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So, considering the circumstances, his thoughts were cheerful, for while the coming evening might bring him trouble and tears, the future not so immediate promised praise and love and a clear conscience. "By mornin' by this time t'-morrow, the hurt'll be over," he reflected, and then without regrets he could go in and look at Mr. Roosevelt, could face Aladdin, too, and Galahad, Jim Hawkins, Mr.

May I have the pleasure of dancing the cotillon as your partner t'-morrow afternoon?" The wet eyes of Miss Rennsdale searched his countenance without pleasure, and a shudder wrung her small shoulders; but the governess whispered to her instructively, and she made a great effort.

He was freight conductor on the U.P. when I was a boy at Cheyenne. We'll nab him first thing in the morning." "Can't we nab him to-night?" asked Geordie. McCrea laughed. "You're keen as your father, Pops," said he. "Niver put off till t'-morrow what can be done the day." "The laddie's right," said Ross.

"Ain't funny not when I tell you Fred De Garmo's handing out the invites, and he sure aims to have plenty of excitement he-he! Betcher Manley won't be able to set on the wagon seat an' hold the lines t'-morrow not if he comes out when he's called and does the thing proper he-he! An' if he don't show up, they aim to jest about pull the old shebang down over his ears.

The minute you dodder about a man or a woman, there's sure to be something' to dodder about. Good lord! you don't suppose he had a hand in these other burglaries?" "Can't say 's I do," answered Haggerty, reaching for his lemonade. "You wait. I'll have it all cleared up by midnight, 'r they'll be a shake-up at Central t'-morrow.

Damon, somewhat fretfully, of Abe, as they ate supper that night in the airship, sheltered as it was in the ice cave. "I'm positive of it," was the reply. "There's gold here, but it will take some prospectin' t' find it. Maybe th' deposits have been shifted by th' ice movement, as Mr. Parker says. But it's here, an' we'll git it. We'll try ag'in t'-morrow." They did try, but with small success.

She stood kneading her fingers in and out of her palms. There was a strange wild look in the dark eyes and her breathing labored. "It ees Moyese," said Calamity slowly. "He 'xamin d' mine t'-morrow." "Why, Calamity, that is perfect nonsense! Moyese won't examine the mine, at all! This young fellow from Washington is the one to examine the mine?" Calamity continued to knit her fingers in and out.

A letter asking yuh if yuh don't want to get rich in ten days sellin' books, or something, 'll hike along out here in no time. Doggone it!" "You got a hurry-up order to go somewhere?" queried Shorty, mildly sympathetic. "Worse than that," groaned James G. "My sister's coming out to spend the summer t'-morrow.

The woman said the nearest one was at Holcomb Court House. "We passed through there on our way here, did we not?" asked Elfreda. "Yes," replied Grace. "It must be twenty miles or so from here. Have you any one that you can send there for the doctor?" Mrs. Thompson shook her head. "Mah man's gone awa' an' won't be back till t'-morrow. Ain't no one else that Ah knows 'bout."

T'-morrow mawnin' come, he's outer it." Her voice rose into a minor cadence, almost a chant. "Chile, it's a dahk shadder on all de Deans dey all mahked wid dat frown on deir foreheads, an' dey all got dahk hours come to um. Marse Wes's maw she fade out an' die caze she cain' stan' no such. His grammaw, she leave his grampaw. An' so on back.