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Send the switch-engine and a couple of flats up for them. Phone Poundstone. Tell him to have the chief of police " Bryce Cardigan's great hand closed over the Colonel's neck, while down Water Street a dark streak that was Buck Ogilvy sped toward the automobile, intending to climb in and make Pennington's manager a prisoner also. He was too late, however.

The wind came out of the west, cold but amiable; the cracked bell of a switch-engine gurgled querulously at intervals, followed by the bumping of coupling freight-cars; roosters were crowing, and sleepy train-men were assembling in sullen silence. The couple walked with arms locked like lovers, but the tones of their voices had the quality which comes after marriage. They were man and wife.

He'll have his men waiting at the log-landing, and there'll be no delay. As soon as you've seen the switch-engine started for the woods, meet me down at Water and B streets. Sexton, we've got to block them. It means a loss of millions to me if we fail!" Shirley was standing in the doorway as he faced about from the telephone.

A sawmill shrieked complainingly; a noisy switch-engine shunted rows of flat cars back and forth, tooting lustily; the rattle of steam- winches and the cries of stevedores from a discharging freighter echoed against the hillsides. Close huddled at the water-front lay the old cannery buildings, greatly expanded and multiplied now and glistening with fresh paint.

"You could keep house out there just as well as you do here. And it would be easy for you to learn to milk " "That whitefaced cow? My goodness! I'd just as quick learn to milk a switch-engine!" "But it's only her head that looks so wicked to you," laughed Hiram. "And you don't milk that end." "Well mebbe," admitted Mrs. Atterson, doubtfully.

It seemed as if it might easily be done, but the more he worked the faster caught he found himself. For a moment he still made sure he could loosen his foot. Even when he realized that this was not easy, he felt no alarm until he heard the switch-engine whistle. Through the driving snow he could see that it was coming toward him, pushing ahead of it a lead of flat cars.

"Oh, old Bob will stand all right!" she laughed, as she put her gloved hand on Henley's shoulder and sprang lightly to the ground. "He's moved all he wants to to-day. It would take a switch-engine to budge him an inch. See 'im nod? He knows what we are talking about."

I have here zee wrecking-car all you need; pretty soon we lift him off zee crossing, I tell you, eh, M'sieur Cardigan?" Bryce stepped over to the switch-engine and looked up at his late enemy. "By whose orders is this train here?" he queried. "Mine," Rondeau answered. "M'sieur Sexton I have tie like one leetle pig and lock her in her office. I work now for M'sieur." And he did.

On the platform in the gray light three men were climbing into the gangway of a switch-engine, the last man so long and so loosely put together that he was taking, as he always took when he tried to get into small quarters, the chaffing of his companions on his size.

"So far as our station records show, Flemister has had no material, save coal, shipped in over either the eastern or the western spur for several months." "Then you believe that he took your bridge-timbers and sawed them up into lumber?" "I do as firmly as I believe that the sun will rise to-morrow. And that isn't all of it, Lidgerwood. He is the man who has your switch-engine.