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The female wore a boy's jacket turned outside in, the male a woman's bonnet and a shawl, and to make his disguise the more impenetrable he carried a poker in his right hand. They stopped in the middle of the floor and began to recite, rather tremulously, Get up, good wife, and binna sweir, And deal your bread to them that's here.

Ericson, I sweir by God, gin there be ane, that gin ye dee, I'll tak up what ye lea' ahin' ye. Gin there be onybody ye want luikit efter, I'll luik efter her. Sae ye can think aboot whether there's onything ye wad like to lippen till me. A something grew in Ericson's eyes as Robert spoke. Before he had finished, they beamed on the boy.

'Here, Meggie, said the chairman, 'there's yer shillin'; and ye jist gang to Miss Lettie, and gie her my compliments, and say that Mr. Lammie's here, and we haena seen him for a lang time. And' the rest was spoken in a whisper 'I'll sweir to ye, Meggie, the weyver body sanna hae ae drap o' 't. Meg withdrew once more, and returned.

It maitters na to me whilk side o' my teeth I chow wi'. But I winna sweir till I ken the trowth 'at I may haud off o' 't. He's the man, though, gien we can get a grip o' 'im! He luiks the richt thing, ye see, mem. "Insolent wretch!" "Caw canny, mem 'thing maun be considered. It wad but gar the thing luik, the mair likly. "It's a wicked lie," burst with indignation from the other.

"It was the drink," rejoined Malcolm; "an' eh, sir, afore ye rise frae that bed sweir to the great God 'at ye'll never drink nae mair drams, nor onything 'ayont ae tum'ler at a sittin'." "I sweir 't, I sweir 't, Ma'colm!" cried the factor. "It's easy to sweir 't noo, sir, but whan ye're up again it'll be hard to keep yer aith.

Lammie, giving him his hand with solemnity, 'I sweir by God that he shanna see, smell, taste, nor touch drink in this hoose. There's but twa boatles o' whusky, i' the shape o' drink, i' the hoose; an' gin ye say 'at he sall bide, I'll gang and mak them an' the midden weel acquant. Andrew was pleased at the proposal. Robert too was pleased that his father should be free of him for a while.

'I'm no auld eneuch to min' upo' that, mem, returned Betty revengefully, but in an undertone, as if she did not intend her mistress to hear, And although she heard well enough, her mistress adopted the subterfuge. 'Sweir not at all, Betty. Ye hae made a mistak ony gait. 'Wha says that, mem? 'Robert. 'Aweel, gin he be tellin' the trowth 'Na, na, mem.

But the trouble is how to dispose of you until your father come. I thought last night you seemed a little sweir to part from me?" "It will be more than seeming then," said she. "You are a very young maid," said I, "and I am but a very young callant. This is a great piece of difficulty. What way are we to manage? Unless indeed, you could pass to be my sister?"

'Faither! he cried, 'I said "deil" to-day; many's the time I said it, and DAMNABLE too, and HELLITSH. I ken they're all right; they're beeblical. But I didna say them beeblically; I said them for sweir words that's the truth of it.

But the trouble is how to dispose of you until your father come. I thought last night you seemed a little sweir to part from me?" "It will be more than seeming then," said she. "You are a very young maid," said I, "and I am but a very young callant. This is a great piece of difficulty. What way are we to manage? Unless, indeed, you could pass to be my sister?"