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I'm t'inkin' I would rader sing songs to 'im all alone onderneat' de stars beside my campfire, an' talk wit' 'im in my bark canoe, dan go livin' wit' you in fine house an' let 'im get col' an' die." "But I told him I'd marry you that I had always intended to. He'll believe I was lying," she moaned, in distress. "Dat's too bad but dis t'ing ain' no doin's wit' me.

In the end, and even Bidwell retained no more than hazy recollections of how the night terminated, a bill of sale was drawn up, wherein Bill Rader and Charles Mitchell yielded up all right and title to the claim known as 24 ELDORADO, the same being the name the creek had received from some optimistic chechaquo. When Kink had signed, it took the united efforts of the three to arouse Bill.

"Ah'll get tire' fraum dat teachin' read, read, read, h'all taim'. Ah'll not lak' dat so moch. Rader be out-door run aroun' paddle de CANOE go wid de boys in de woods mek' dem dance at ma MUSIQUE. A-a-ah! Dat was fon! P'raps you t'ink dat not good, hem? You t'ink Jacques one beeg fool, Ah suppose?"

Gif I see dem at all, it is at die Jambs Elusees, und dey do not see me... yet dey are ver' fond of me, und I might go to dine mit dem, und dey vould be ver' bleased to see me; und I might go to deir country-houses, but I vould much rader be mit mine friend Bons, because I kann see him venefer I like, und efery tay." Pons took Schmucke's hand and grasped it between his own.

Lebours, who meanwhile flourished the reward-book; Miss Rader approached Adèle, and tapping her unkindly on the shoulder, she whispered to her in a whistling tone, her snaky eyes expressing the kindliness of a tiger: "You see what you gain through wanting to leave my school; you lose a beautiful book." Adèle was not unhappy. On the contrary; she experienced an elevating, martyr-like sensation.

While on guard one cold night, as the wagon drivers were sleeping quietly on a bed of loose straw near a blazing fire, I saw Rader creep up stealthily and apply a torch at several places, wait until it was well ignited, and then run and yell "Fire!" then repeat the sport an hour later. Vanpelt carried an enormous knapsack captured from Banks and branded "10th Maine."

"I should rader der boor home of a goot-hearted mann dot haf mourned Bons, dan der Duileries mit men dot haf ein tiger face.... I haf chust left tigers in Bons' house; dey vill eat up everydings " "Come with me, sir, and you shall see. But well, anyhow, there is a garret. Let us see what Mme. Topinard says."

While engaged in one of these artillery duels a thirty-two pound shot tore by the gun and struck close by Henry Rader, a driver, who was lying on the ground, holding the lead-horses at the limber. The shell tore a trench alongside of him and hoisted him horizontally from the ground.

At the head of the table sat old Korchagin, on his left the physician; on his right, a visitor, Ivan Ivanovich Kolosoff, an ex-district commander, and now a bank manager, who was a friend of the family, and of liberal tendencies; further to the left was Miss Rader, governess to Missy's four-year-old sister, with the little girl herself; then to the right, Missy's only brother, Peter, a high-school pupil, on account of whose forthcoming examinations the entire family remained in the city, and his tutor, also a student; then again to the left, Katherine Alexeievna, a forty-year-old girl Slavophile; opposite to her was Michael Sergeievich, or Misha Telegin, Missy's cousin, and at the foot of the table, Missy herself, and beside her, on the table, lay an extra cover.

"Oh! they are gone," said Marion, when Eve looked unthinkingly round the room. One league out of Angouleme on the main road to Paris, Kolb stopped. "Vere shall we go?" "To Marsac," said David; "since we are on the way already, I will try once more to soften my father's heart." "I would rader mount to der assault of a pattery," said Kolb, "your resbected fader haf no heart whatefer."