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Brimberly with dignified deliberation, "I repeat as you are a very low, vulgar little feller!" The Old Un clenched his fists. "Right-o!" he nodded cheerily. "That's done it! F' that I'm a-goin' t' punch ye in th' perishin' eye-'ole!" And he advanced upon the points of his toes, shoulders hunched, and head viciously outthrust. "My word!" exclaimed Mr.

"I bes fair perishin' to death in my bed. The wind bes blowin' an' yowlin' t'rough this room like the whole end o' the house was knocked out." The skipper, who was as gentle with his old grandmother and as kind to his young brother as the best man in the world could have been, crossed the kitchen immediately and opened the door of the old woman's chamber.

Towards morning her eyes opened, and she shivered greatly. "It's bither cold," she said. "You'll put more wood on the fire, Tim, for the babe must be kept warrum." She thought she was at Malahide. "Oh, wurra, wurra, but 'tis freezin'!" she said again. "Why d'ye kape the door opin whin the child's perishin'?" Macavoy sat looking at her, his trouble shaking him.

"Thar's times when this yere Cherokee Hall caroms on a gent who's high-strung that a-way, an' won't take no donations; which this yere sport may be plenty needy to the p'int of perishin', too. That's straight; thar's nachers which is that reluctant about aid, they simply dies standin' before they'll ever ask.

And on and on she sang, in throbbing melody, to the end of the hymn. Tess had long ago discovered the fear-dissipating qualities of "Rescue the Perishin'." A long happy sigh in the attic told her the dwarf had enjoyed her song. "Andy," she called in a low tone, "come down an' set beside the cot. I has to talk to ye." Andy needed no second invitation.

So here's where I ooze away. S' long, all!" The Old Un, having bolted the last handful of cake, got upon his legs and clutched the Spider's coat in talon-like fingers. "'Old 'ard, young feller, me lad!" he cried. "If there's any chance of a scrap comin' off wot about me? Gimme me 'at, Joe, an' get yourn; if I don't knock some on 'em stone cold call me a perishin' ass!"

To soothe the child, he pattered to and fro upon the shanty floor; and when he began to chant in a low, sweet voice that old, old precious hymn, "Rescue the Perishin';" Tess cried out again.

Joe an' the Spider's on the track, an' they're goin' to track Fate to doom, ma'am to perishin' doom! Y' see," here the old man leaned suddenly nearer, "y' see, Joe's found a cloo!" "A clew! Yes yes!" she whispered breathlessly, moistening lips suddenly dry, and conscious that Spike's lax form had stiffened to painful alertness.

Think o' the pore little snotties now bein' washed, fed, and taught, an' the yeoman o' signals with a pink eye wakin' bright 'an brisk to another perishin' day of five-flag hoists. Whereas we shall caulk an' smoke cigarettes, same as the Spanish destroyers did for three weeks after war was declared." He dropped into the wardroom singing:

"This" was the hard, cold, polished business-end of a condemned Martini poked violently out of the blackness into the Slabbertian thorax. "Not in such a 'urry by 'arf, you perishin' Dopper," spluttered the ghastly little man in bandoliers behind the weapon. "Put up them dirty big 'ands o' yours, or, by Cripps! I'll let 'er off, you sneakin', match-talkin' spy!"