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He had dropped dead asleep he confessed it at his post. Then, how on awakening suddenly, for no apparent reason, all seeming quiet around, he had got up as he was, half dressed and in his boots had stepped across to the hide-house, had found the padlock intact and, hearing no sound, had concluded the black-boy was inside safe asleep.

Smiley, I wish to begin my tests by tying your wrists to the arms of your chair. May I do so?" "Certainly," she cheerfully answered. "You may padlock me, or put me in an iron cage, if you please. I leave it all to you."

"Here," said Mercer triumphantly, as he led the way to where an old corn-bin stood beneath one of the windows, the lid securely held down by a padlock whose key my companion brought out of his pocket. "Never mind the old Latin and Euclid.

"Is there anything else I can do?" she asked. "Nothing, except to tell me where you got the key. I want to put it back again without anybody knowing it has been used." "It hangs on the kitchen dresser the second hook. You cannot mistake it, because there is a padlock key and one of my father's fishing lines hanging on the same hook." "Then that is all you can do.

'Werry good but are you sure that the chap is down there still? demanded Ragged Pete; 'hadn't we better go down and see if he hasn't took leg bait? 'Pshaw, you fool! rejoined the first speaker, angrily; 'how could he escape after I had locked him in? There's an iron door, fastened with a padlock as big as your head; so hold your tongue, and help me raise the stone to its place.

"This is one of them, and I carry the second key. Here!" He held out the key ring with one key extended. Rathburn thrust his gun back into its holster and took the keys. In a moment he had unlocked the padlock and swung open the iron door, exposing case after case of high explosive within the stone structure. Sautee was staring at him in dire apprehension.

Coming abreast of the three cottages he vaulted the stock yard wall, threw open a gate and made for the stable door fumbling in his pocket for the key of the padlock. And suddenly an oath broke from his lips crisp, concise, and covering. The first trick had been scored by him but undoubtedly Harrison Smith had won the second. The blocked up keyhole told its own tale.

In order to prevent possible loss from some prank of mischievous boys or thieving negroes, Maurice had secured a long and stout chain, with a padlock, and at night this was so attached to the dinky that no one could sneak the stumpy little craft away without the use of a hatchet to chop out the staple; and while this was being done the owners of the Tramp would surely be getting extremely busy also with gun and axe.

The tall spikes, the massive brass padlock, green with weathering, in which it was doubtful if any key would turn, the ancient "Notice to Trespassers," massacred by the stones of home-returning schoolboys these were all that any of us could see at first. The barrier of the deer-park wall was high and unclimbable. The massy iron of the gates looked as if it had not been stirred for centuries.

"That's curious," he said, and straightway began fitting the key to the broken padlock on the desk. "Why, man alive!" he cried, with a sudden burst of excitement, "where did you get this? This this is the article the key the very thing I want!" He sprang to his feet and stared in my face in sheer amazement. "Heavens, Brett, the thing's almost supernatural!