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"Make him out over there, at the door? Gracious! He's unlocking and throwing the padlock off. And, blazes! Can't you make out who it is, Hal?" "Josh Owen! But he gave up his keys." "He had at least one duplicate, then," declared Jack, in a tremulous whisper. "There, he's gone inside. Come on, Hal soft-foot! We'll take a near look at what he's doing."

As soon as I was dressed I went out to walk off my bad humour. I met the priest-steward, who had been to the locksmith. He told me that the man had no ready-made locks, but he was going to fit my door with a padlock, of which I should have the key. "Provided I can lock my door," I said, "I care not how it's done."

At the first sound of his movement she closed the book in a flash; then, with a startled, protective gesture, extended her arms over it, covering it. "What is it, Hedrick?" she asked, breathlessly. "What's the padlock for?" "Nothing," she panted. "What is it you want?" "You writin' poetry?" Laura's eyes dilated; she looked dangerous.

These oars were forty feet long, and ran in from the thole-pin with a loom six feet long, each manned by four slaves, who were chained to their seat before it, by a running chain made fast by a padlock in amidships. A plank, of two feet wide, ran fore and aft the vessel between the two banks of oars, for the boatswain to apply the lash to those who did not sufficiently exert themselves.

"Don't move, you bandy-legged maverick, or I'll fill your hide full of holes. And if you want to keep on living padlock that mouth of yours." In spite of his surprise the man caught the point at once. He turned over his weapons without a word. Curly unwound a rope from one of the saddles and dropped a loop round the neck of his prisoner.

Ethelberta went to the gate, which was found to be fastened by a chain and padlock. 'Ah, the London season, she murmured. There was a wicket at the side, and they entered. An avenue of young fir trees three or four feet in height extended from the gate into the mist, and down this they walked.

He tried the other window, with even less encouraging results. In eight or ten minutes now, the crowd would be, he leaped to the barred door. It, too, resisted his crazy strength. The huge padlock on the other side clattered tauntingly against the grating, but that was all. All the while he was grunting and whining: "If I ever get out of this, it'll take a streak o' greased lightnin' to ketch me.

Long, low, with four tawdry glass and gilt chandeliers hanging from the not over-clean ceiling, cushions spreading all over the floor excepting in the middle where lay an exquisite Persian carpet, long mirrors on all sides, little inlaid tables, and at the far end, built into the wall with steps leading up to it, a bed behind gilt bars, the door in which was fastened by a gilt padlock.

In Spain, where a padlock was upon every man's mouth, and where each one buried his suspicions in the most secret recesses of his heart, and trembled lest, even in his dreams, a thought of impiety might reach the ear of a familiar, history could always be made to conform to the interests of the Church.

After a very short search, you will discover a division in the tapestry so artfully constructed as to defy the minutest inspection, and on opening it, a door will immediately appear which door, being only secured by massy bars and a padlock, you will, after a few efforts, succeed in opening and, with your lamp in your hand, will pass through it into a small vaulted room."