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"Ay, he's bonny by the ordinar'. It wad be grand, noo, gin the meenister'd fancy 'im an' tak' 'im into the manse." The wifie considered this ruefully. "Jamie, I was wishin' ye didna hae to " But what she wished he did not have to do, Mr. Brown did not stop to hear. He suddenly clapped his bonnet on his head and went out.

"In an ordinar' way, I'm no' verra particular, but before I take the money I'd like to ken how it's to be earned." "As a matter of fact, you won't get all of it until it is earned and I see how much the job is worth. In the meantime, you can judge, and if necessary go to the police." Pete grinned. "They're no' the kin' o' gentry I hae mony dealings with."

And Bobby's sagacious by the ordinar'." He thought intently for a moment, and then spoke naturally, and much as Auld Jock himself might have spoken to the dog. "Whaur are ye, Bobby? Come awa' oot, laddie!" Instantly the little dog stood before him like some conjured ghost. He had slipped from under the slab on which they were sitting.

But the thought that perhaps Curly had told him something was like the serpent under them. Yet somehow she had got so beautiful before she reached the house, that her aunt, who had come to see her, called out, "Losh! lassie! What hae ye been aboot? Ye hae a colour by ordinar'." "That's easy accoontet for," said her mistress roguishly. "She was stan'in' killoguin wi' a bonnie young lad an' a horse.

"Dae you no?" she broke in quickly, loosing hold of herself as she saw that her method of attack was not going to succeed. "I hae been suspectin' something for a while. You hinna been in owre my door for three weeks an' that's no your ordinar. But I have seen you gaun in tae Tam Granger's nearly every nicht in that time. An' I can put twa an' twa together.

A bonny-like thing it wad be if the maister cam' hame and foun' the Macfarlanes wer oot on the ran-dan and had picked ye oot o' Doom like a wulk oot o' its shell. It wisna like as if ye were ane o' the ordinar garrison, ye ken; ye were jist a kin' o' veesitor " "And it was I they were after," said Count Victor, "which surely gave me some natural interest in the defence."

The weather, for some days before, had been raw for that time of the year, and Michaelmas-day was, both for wind and wet and cold, past ordinar; in so much that we were obligated to have a large fire in the council-chamber, where we dined.

They're fine heumblin things, a body's feet! But, eh, it'll be fine wantin them! 'Whaur on earth gat ye sic notions aboot yer feet? Guid kens there's naething amiss wi' yer feet! Nouther o' ye hes ony rizzon to be ashamit o' yer feet. The fac is, your feet's by ordinar sma', Steenie, and can add but unco little to yer weicht! 'It's a' 'at ye ken, mother! answered Steenie with a smile.

If I were my ordinar' I wad hae't in the byre, though I had to kindle Ninemileburn ower Wat's heid." She turned miserably on her pillow and the babe beside her set up a feeble crying. Sim busied himself with re-lighting the peat fire. He knew too well that he would never see the milk-cow till he took with him the price of his debt or gave a bond on harvested crops.

"You understand, monsieur," he explained, "that this is a good quarter, and our rooms are not at all the ordinar' rooms oh, no, they are quite supérior to that. They are in great demand we have only one vacant at this moment in fact, I am not certain that it is yet at liberty. I will call my wife."