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Updated: August 16, 2024

"An' ca' ye that considerin' her to du the minute she's gane the thing wad hae grieved her by ordinar' whan she was wi' ye?" "Whan we war thegither," returned Jeames with solemnity, "there was a heap o' things worth a hantle; noo 'at we're pairted there's jist nearhan' as mony 'at 's no worth a strae." "Weel du I un'erstan' ye, Jeames!" returned the laird with a sigh.

He was more mischievous than Alec, and sometimes led him into unforeseen scrapes; but whenever anything extensive had to be executed, Alec was always the leader. "What are ye hidin' for, ye rascal?" said his father. "What mischeef hae ye been efter noo?" "Naething by ordinar'," was Willie's cool reply. "What garred ye hide, than?"

"I'm sure, ma'am, I can't say; but I don't think he was a ha'porth worse than ordinar, till after the gentleman went away. I did hear that he did his business with the gentleman, just as usual like." "And then he fell into a fit, didn't he, Richard?" "Not that I heard of, ma'am. He did a dail of talking about some law business, I did hear our Mrs.

"Auld Jock's deid." Bobby stirred at that, and flattened out on the floor. "Ay, the lassie told that, an' I wad hae kenned it by the dog. He is greetin' by the ordinar'." "An' he's buried i' the kirkyaird o' auld Greyfriars." Ah, that fetched her! The gude wife dropped her knitting and stared at him.

I didna see onything o' the family, for I had my denner and my wine and 'a thing human stammack cud desire served up till me i' my ain room. But ae day, my denner was made up o' ae mess efter anither, vera fine nae doot, but unco queer and ootlandish, and I had nae appeteet, and I cudna eat it. Sae I rase, afore my ordinar' time, and gaed back to my wark.

"What are ye daein' up there?" said Speug, with ironic politeness; "that's no' the ordinar' road into the Seminary;" and then, as they hesitated on the edge of the water pipe, Speug conceived what was in these days a fine form of humour. "Come down," he said, "naebody 'ill touch ye"; and then he ordered an open passage to be made through the ranks of the Seminaries.

And I have told my father that I love you. I have told him every thing." "Weel, sir? What said he?" "He only asked me to wait for two years, and during that time to stay away from you." "He asked jist what I wad hae asked, even for mysel'. I'm a poor ignorant fisher-lass, I wouldna daur to marry you, unless you had tried your love for me in some mair than ordinar' way."

"That was patriotically said," observed Lord Menteith. "Fary true," said Donald; "but her honour had better hae hauden her tongue: for if ye say ony thing amang the Saxons that's a wee by ordinar, they clink ye down for a wager as fast as a Lowland smith would hammer shoon on a Highland shelty.

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