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Is sho' is ongodly business. I never will forgit de fearsome sight o' seein' men die 'fore dey time. War sho' is de debbil's own work. "De Klu Klux Klan didn' bother me none. Course, I was feared of' em at firs', but I soon learnt dat long as I b'haved myse'f an' tended my business dey warnt after me. Dey sho' disastered dem what meddled wid de white folks.

"Mebbe we're a little alike in that respec'," Captain Leezur assured him deliciously; "'cept 't he ain't nigh so ongodly as I use' ter be." "I don' know," said Captain Pharo. "I have worked sometimes, Sundays poo! poo! hohum! but not 'less 'twas somethin' 'mportant, gettin' in hay or somethin' like that. And I have poo! poo! hohum!

"In figgeral language; for I don't reck'lect jest the exac' date when she did r'a'ly eat crow; 'twas a good many years ago, 'n' I wouldn't have her hear of it neow for nothin'. I'm natch'ally ashamed o' them ongodly tricks neow 'nd besides, it 'u'd lay harder on her stommick 'n a high-school grammar." "I won't tell her," I said. "I'm hardly acquainted with her, anyway."

Have a narvine lozenge. I all'as enj'ys 'em with a friend more'n what I dew meltin' on 'em deown alone." We sucked deliciously. "Afore I got my dispersition moderated deown inter the shape she is neow, I was dreadful kind o' sly and ongodly abeout cuttin' up tricks," he continued, his countenance now conveying only the tranquillity of one restored and forgiven. "'What? says I to the man.

We made 'em behave the'rse'ves, an' I hain't a-blamin' you, but they er houndin' airter us, an' ef I wuz you I wouldn't stay on this hill nary 'nuther minnit longer than it 'ud take me to git offn it. When the boys git wind er this ongodly bizness, they ull be mighty hard to hol'. I reckon maybe you'll be a-gwine down about Atlanty.

"It don't matter, stranger. Have you seen your father lately?" "Not for many years. I am an outcast from his presence," replied Vernon, with some appearance of feeling. "That's onfortunate; does he know what sort of a lark you are?" "I hope not," replied Vernon, with a sickly smile. "But he does; he knows all about this ongodly scrape you got into last night."

Don' you dar' tech 'em! I'll p'otect 'em wid my life's blood!" "Shut up, you old harridan!" returned Gilcrest. "Nobody's going to strike your mistress, or her daughter either. Take your Miss Jane to her room, and attend to her." "I doan lebe dis room tell I speaks my min' 'bout yo' ongodly carryin' on an' yo' shameful 'buse ob my sweet lamb, my own Miss Betsy."

Why, dodrabbit ye, Leezur!" said this native Artichoke, "ye never done an ongodly thing in yer life 'cept, maybe," he added, "to cuss a little when ye was fishin' for the bucket." "'Specially," said Captain Leezur intelligently, "when the women folks has been thar afore ye, r'ilin' the water and jabbin' of her furder deown."

Den Miss Sally, she cut me off er slishe wunner deze yer ongodly slishes, big ez yo' hat, an' I sot down on de steps an' wrop myse'f roun' de whole blessid chunk, 'cep'in' de rime." Uncle Remus paused and laid his hand upon his stomach as if feeling for something. "Well, old man, what then?" "Dat's w'at I'm a gittin' at, boss," said Uncle Remus, smiling a feeble smile.

Another reason why we wanted to lay low in this hiere bizness, was that we didn't hanker after sitting on the anxious seats of witnesses in the court-house; and being called ongodly thieves, and perjured liars, and turned wrong side out by the lie-yers, and told our livers was white, and our hearts blacker than our skins.