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Updated: August 7, 2024

Percy, establishing himself comfortably in a garden chair at the foot of the gallery steps, was heard to utter a short cough as he renewed the light of his cigarette. My visitor paused upon my veranda, humming, "Quand l'Amour Meurt" while I went within and lit a lamp. "Shall I bring the light out there?" I asked, but, turning, found that she was already in the room.

Oui, sans doute, tout meurt: ce monde est un grand rêve, Et le peu de bonheur qui nous vient en chemin, Nous n'avons pas plus tôt ce roseau dans la main, Que le vent nous l'enlève. "Que le vent nous l'enlève." She repeated the last words to herself. Ah no! the wind could not take her happiness out of her hand.

A parody on the "tag" which was given to Cambronne would sum up his terribly simple and consistent creed La femme se rend, mais ne meurt pas. "I hold him but a fool, that would endanger His body for a girl that loves him not." Fallowfield left us the next morning, the Bellasys later in the same day. They were to pay divers visits, and then return to Kerton.

"Ta vie est un eclair qui meurt dans son nuage, Mais l'eclair t'a sauve s'il t'a fait voir le ciel." July 26, 1876. A private journal is a friend to idleness. It frees us from the necessity of looking all round a subject, it puts up with every kind of repetition, it accompanies all the caprices and meanderings of the inner life, and proposes to itself no definite end.

"Dieu est mort," says another writer of the same class, and of great genius too. "Dieu est mort," writes Mr. Henry Heine, speaking of the Christian God; and he adds, in a daring figure of speech; "N'entendez-vous pas sonner la Clochette? on porte les sacremens a un Dieu qui se meurt!" Another of the pantheist poetical philosophers, Mr.

"Gredin! cent mille tonnerres de Dieu!" "Calme-toi, mon fidele ami. What will you? It was fate. Montholon. "Le lache! Un Francais meurt, mais il ne recule jamais." Napoleon. "STUPIDE! Don't you see WHY the retreat was ordered? don't you know that it was a feint on the part of Gahagan to draw Holkar from his impregnable intrenchments?

To be sure it seldom happens que l'on meurt in all respects fort a propos, and this death of poor Mr. Delme is, as much as it regards Lord Carlisle, an evident proof of it. Sir R. Payne and Lady Payne and Sir C. Bunbury intend dining here to-morrow. Mr. Saintefoy, with Storer, dined here yesterday, but informed me of nothing new concerning France.

Ange, his Swiss servant, knocked at his door with a dozen pockethandkerchiefs, a bottle of eau-de-cologne, and some other properties of his metier. St. Ange could not wait until he had laid them down, but broke out with 'Oh, mi Lor! qu'est-il arrive? le pauvre capitaine! il est tue il se meurt he dies d'un coup de pistolet.

In this world, where the game is played with loaded dice, a man must have a temper of iron, with armor proof to the blows of fate, and weapons to make his way against men. Life is one long battle; we have to fight at every step; and Voltaire very rightly says that if we succeed, it is at the point of the sword, and that we die with the weapon in our hand on ne réussit dans ce monde qua la pointe de l'épee, et on meurt les armes

Such, with a few wretched prints representing Napoleon passing the Alps seated on an eagle; Poniatowsky and his white horse attempting to cross the Oder; Cambronne, with imperial moustachios, on his knees repeating the celebrated mot which he never said: "La garde meurt et ne se rend pas," &c., such, I am grieved to confess, is the miserable intellectual food, the wretched mental and moral stock of human and religious knowledge that supplies the literary and artistic wants of the greater portion of the peasants of our departments.

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